github kubeshark/kubeshark v52.0.0

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5 months ago

v52.0.0 (2023-12-22)

Release Highlights

Keywords: Traffic Recorder, Half-Connection, API

This release introduces significant new features, including traffic recording and offline analysis, handling of half and erroneous connections, and enhancements to ICMP and TCP dissectors.

Enhancements and Changes

  • Traffic Recorder: An advanced tool for capturing and analyzing network traffic.
  • Openshift Compatibility: Kubeshark is now compatible with Openshift.
  • Half-Connection Handling: Improved visibility of half-connections in supported protocols.
  • Erroneous Connection Analysis: Enhanced ICMP and TCP dissectors provide insights into the causes of erroneous connections.
  • New API Endpoints: Addition of Hub and Worker API endpoints, facilitating data access via WebSocket without requiring scripts or dashboard access.
  • EFS Persistent Volume Support: Enhanced storage options with the introduction of EFS persistent volume support. Refer to Pull Request #1455 for more information.
  • Security Context Capabilities: Capability to assign security contexts based on utilized features, minimizing the need for elevated capabilities when unnecessary.
  • Addition of beforePcapRemoval and afterPcapRemoval hooks.
  • Worker Port Modification: The default Worker port has been changed from 8897 to 30001.
  • --pcap Functionality Removed: The --pcap functionality has been discontinued.

Download Kubeshark for your platform

Mac (x86-64/Intel)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Mac (AArch64/Apple M1 silicon)

rm -f kubeshark && curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (x86-64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (AArch64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Windows (x86-64)

curl -LO


SHA256 checksums available for compiled binaries.
Run shasum -a 256 -c kubeshark_OS_ARCH.sha256 to verify.

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