github kubernetes/ingress-nginx controller-v1.3.1

latest releases: helm-chart-4.10.1, controller-v1.10.1, controller-v1.10.0...
21 months ago

Please fill out our 2022 Ingress-Nginx User Survey and let us know what you want to see in future releases.

In v1.3.1 leader elections will be done entirely using the Lease API and no longer using configmaps. v1.3.0 is a safe transition version, using v1.3.0 can automatically complete the merging of election locks, and then you can safely upgrade to v1.3.1.

Also, important note, with the Release of Kubernetes v1.25 we are dropping support for the legacy branches, Also, important note, with the release of Kubernetes v1.25, we are dropping support for the legacy edition, that means all version <1.0.0 of the ingress-nginx-controller.

Important Changes

  • Updated to golang 1.19
  • Started migration for Data and Control Plane splits
  • Upgraded to Alpine 3.16.2
  • New kubectl plugin release workflow
  • New CVE findings template



What's Changed

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: controller-v1.3.0...controller-v1.3.1

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