github kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere v1.22.5

latest releases: v1.32.0-beta.1, vsphere-cpi-chart-1.31.1, v1.32.0-beta.0...
2 years ago


Changelog since v1.22.X:

Ability to exclude subnets for internal/external node ip selection (#556)
Documentation for PR #556 (#559)

Changelog since v1.21.X:

  • Add v1.20 and v1.21 manifests (#487)
  • Migrate the helm chart to /charts repo and update related docs (#478)
  • Bump Kubernetes dependencies to v1.22.X and go to 1.16 (#496)

Version Compatibility

Supports Kubernetes clusters on v1.22.X with allowed version skew.

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