github kubernetes-sigs/secrets-store-csi-driver v0.0.23

latest releases: v1.4.4, v1.4.3, v1.4.2...
3 years ago

Announcement 📢

  • --filtered-watch-secret will be enabled by default in v0.1.0 release. Refer to #550 for more info.
  • Note to Providers: Prepare to return files in gRPC responses as this will become the recommended approach in the next release. See #551

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • syncSecret.enabled has been set to false by default. This means the RBAC clusterrole and clusterrolebinding required for sync mounted content as Kubernetes secret will no longer be created by default as part of helm install/upgrade. If you're using the driver to sync mounted content as Kubernetes secret, you'll need to set syncSecret.enabled=true as part of helm install/upgrade.

Features 🌈

Bug Fixes 🐞

Documentation 📘

Testing 💚

Helm 📈

Maintenance 🔧

Driver images are hosted in GCR at

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