bluecat: support getting credentials from environment variables (#2072) @seanmalloy
docs: update bluecat tutorial (#2074) @seanmalloy
Godaddy enhancement (#2084) @Fred78290
fix_2099 (#2120) @kundan2707 rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 will
Optional ability to use the host name defined on an ingress's annotations instead of its hosts stanza (#1696) @dansimone
Update rfc2136.md (#2118) @aSauerwein
update for latest version (#2131) @roelandvanbatenburg
Update azure-private-dns tutorial image tag to v0.8.0 (#2130) @KylePolansky
Adding ability to query Infoblox API using regex for fqdn (#2102) (#2110) @mmerrill3
Add support for Kong's TCPIngress with a load balancer (#2109) @krmichel
Kops compatibility mode (#2041) @olemarkus
Clean up OpenShift Route source implementation (#2147) @sgreene570
updated external-dns version to latest (#2138) @kundan2707
rfc2136: add batch size support (#2127) @knackaron
Remove extra
when clicked oncopy to clipboard
(#2149) @goutamtadi1 -
bluecat: add delete functionality (#2144) @jaideepbellani
Updated k8s manifest for Azure DNS provider #2082 (#2083) @SimonGurney
Feature/ignore ingress rules (#2091) @anandkumarpatel
Provide example of multiple values for "in" filter (#2065) @dkravetz
bluecat: improve test coverage (#2185) @jaideepbellani
CloudDNS: Allow filtering for private and public zones (#2153) @FalconerTC
Source: Deflake and Parallelize Tests (#2188) @abursavich
Adding ability to query Infoblox API using regex for fqdn (#2102) (#2102) @
Merge pull request #2110 from mmerrill3/feature/infoblox-reg-ex (#2110) @mmerrill3