github kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-vsphere 0.2.0
Release 0.2.0

latest releases: v1.12.0, test/v1.12.0, templates/v1.32.0...
pre-release5 years ago

This release contains on-going bug fixes, updated tests, and documentation updates.

- Upgraded to kustomize v2 #205 and #224
- Noderef now added to machine objects #223
- Generate sample machineset.yaml for yaml makefile target #196
- Use different kubeadm.conf for various k8s versions #190
- Set the resync timeout to 2min for cluster and machine objects #179

- Fixed node bootstrap script to support ubuntu bionic #239
- Temporary fix to support both kubernetes-cni 0.6.0 and 0.7.5 for varying k8s version #239
- Pinned Docker install to version 18.06.x to fix node bootstrap issue #230
- Fixed bug during cloning from template with snapshot and simultaneous disk expansion #212
- Fixed controller panic when using improper machineset yaml #192

- vcsim test added for the machine actuator create workflow #35
- integration tests for the OVA #134

- Updated docs for KIND bootstrapping
- Updated docs on how to use static IP in machine yaml

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