github kubernetes-sigs/aws-load-balancer-controller v2.0.0-rc3

latest releases: v2.8.0, v2.7.2, v2.7.1...
pre-release3 years ago

Warning: This is not a production release, please don't use it in production !

  1. The purpose of this release is to gather early feedbacks about the APIs and usage.
  2. If you have find issues or feedbacks, please create an issue with [V2] in title.
  3. It's backwards compatible with aws-alb-ingress-controller:v1.1.3+.



Action Required(for v2.0.0-rc1/v2.0.0-rc2 users)

  1. The TargetGroupBinding CRDs are updated from v1alpha1 to v1beta1, which should be updated via the YAML manifest.
  2. If upgrading to this version without removing old resources, the finalizers on resources(Ingress/Service/TargetGroupBindings) should be manually removed. (one-time task)
  3. --ingress-class=alb should be specified as controller args, if not specified, the controller will look for Ingresses without IngressClass annotation or IngressClass==alb.
  4. the required IAM policy have been updated.

Install Instructions:

Install CertManager

we now have a pod webhook to automatically inject pod readinessGates, we'll offer a option to install without CertManager in our helm charts

  • For Kubernetes 1.16+: kubectl apply --validate=false -f
  • For Kubernetes <1.16: kubectl apply --validate=false -f

Install the Controller

  1. change your-cluster-name to be real clusterName in
  2. apply the yaml

Changelog since v2.0.0-rc2

  1. finalize all user-facing elements(finalizer/tagging/labeling) (#1469, @M00nF1sh )
  2. TargetGroupBinding is prompted to v1beta1 from v1alpha1 (#1478, @M00nF1sh )
  3. Multiple bug fixes around Ingress rules (#1484, @M00nF1sh )
  4. Added secret/service event handler for Ingress updates. (#1471, @M00nF1sh )
  5. Added featureGates and command line flags ([#1479](#1479, @kishorj )
  6. retry listener-rule creation (#1472, @M00nF1sh )
  7. enable leader-election by default(#1462, @kishorj )

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