github kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter v8.2.0

latest releases: v8.1.1, v8.0.2, client/v8.2.0...
8 days ago

Overall Status

Volume snapshotting has been a GA feature since Kubernetes v1.20.

Supported CSI Spec Versions


Minimum Kubernetes version


Recommended Minimum Kubernetes version



docker pull
docker pull

Changes by Kind

API Change

  • VolumeGroupSnapshot, VolumeGroupSnapshotContent, and VolumeGroupSnapshotClass
    are now available in v1beta1 version. The support for the v1alpha1 version have been removed. (#1150, @leonardoce)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Move the logic of creating individual VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent resources for dynamically created VolumeGroupSnapshot from csi-snapshotter sidecar to snapshot-controller. (#1171, @leonardoce)


  • The enable-volume-group-snapshots flag has been replaced by feature-gates flag.
    Enable feature gate to enable volumegroupsnapshot, i.e., --feature-gates=CSIVolumeGroupSnapshot=true.
    By default the feature gate is disabled (#1194, @yati1998)
  • The validation webhook was deprecated in v8.0.0 and it is now removed.
    The validation webhook would prevent creating multiple default volume snapshot classes and multiple default volume group snapshot classes for the same CSI driver. With the removal of the validation webhook, an error will still be raised when dynamically provisioning a VolumeSnapshot or VolumeGroupSnapshot when multiple default volume snapshot classes or multiple default volume group snapshot classes for the same CSI driver exist. (#1186, @yati1998)
  • Use v1.11.0 version of CSI spec (#1209, @yati1998)

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