github kubermatic/kubeone v1.5.0-rc.0

latest releases: v1.8.0, v1.8.0-rc.0, v1.8.0-beta.0...
pre-release21 months ago


The complete changelog since the v1.5.0-beta.0 release is available in CHANGELOG/

Urgent Upgrade Notes

  • The minimum Kubernetes version has been increased to v1.22.0. If you're still using Kubernetes v1.21 or v1.20, you have to upgrade the cluster to v1.22 or newer before upgrading to KubeOne 1.5. (#2236, @xmudrii)
  • Remove defaulting for Flatcar provisioning utility in example Terraform configs for AWS (defaulted to Ignition by machine-controller). If you have Flatcar-based MachineDeployments that use the cloud-init provisioning utility, you must change the provisioning utility to ignition (or leave it empty) for Operating System Manager (OSM) to work properly (#2285, @xmudrii)
  • Remove the hcloud-volumes StorageClass deployed automatically by Hetzner CSI driver in favor of hcloud-volumes StorageClass deployed by the default-storage-class addon. If you're using hcloud-volumes StorageClass, make sure that you have the default-storage-class addon enabled before upgrading to KubeOne 1.5 (#2269, @xmudrii)


  • We announced with the KubeOne 1.4.0 release that kubeone install and kubeone upgrade commands are deprecated in favor of kubeone apply. This time we're marking those commands as hidden, so they'll not show in the help output. In the next release, we'll completely remove those commands, so we strongly recommend migrating to kubeone apply as soon as possible. (#2258, @kron4eg)

Known Issues

  • Calico VXLAN addon has an issue with broken network connectivity for pods running on the same node. If you're using Calico VXLAN, we recommend staying on KubeOne 1.4 until the issue is not fixed. Follow #2192 for updates.


SHA256 checksums can be found in the kubeone_1.5.0-rc.0_checksums.txt file.

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