github kubeflow/manifests v1.9.0-rc.1
Kubeflow 1.9.0-rc.1

pre-release14 days ago

Second RC of the KF 1.9 release 🎉

The release includes the following manifests and security changes:

  • Kubernetes 1.27 - 1.29 support
  • Kustomize 5.2.1+ support with way less warnings
  • Oauth2-proxy replaces oidc-authservice
  • Networkpolicies enabled by default
  • Dex 2.39.1, cert-manager 1.14.5 , knative 1.12.4
  • Bentoml 1.2.28 and 1.1.21, Seldon 1.18.1, Ray 2.23 and Kuberay 1.1.1
  • Istio 1.18.7 TODO for 1.9.0-rc.2 Istio 1.22
  • Documentation for upgrading and extending the Kubeflow Platform #2717

We also updated the following components:

  • Kubeflow Pipelines 2.2.0, which includes Argo Workflows and Tekton integration
  • Katib v0.17.0-rc.0
  • Training Operator v1.8.0-rc.0
  • KServe 0.12.1 TODO 1.9.0-rc.2 rebuild kserve models web application
  • Notebooks and platform / multi-tenancy components 1.9.0-rc.0
  • New component: Model Registry v0.2.1-alpha

You can see each component release notes in the following URLs:

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