Version 2.5 is a ‘edge’ release focused on GPU Savings, Turbonomics integration beta, UI consistency with date pickers, as well as many bug fixes.
For federated (multi-cluster) installations, the Primary Kubecost cluster must be upgraded prior to upgrading agent (secondary) clusters. Agent upgrades are only required to support additional GPU metrics.
Major Features
- GPU Savings
- Turbonomics Integration
Minor Features
- UI Consistency with date pickers.
- Updated logos and branding to reflect IBM acquisition.
- Add GPU Max usage and GPU Sharing collection to agent, and output to allocation API.
- Fix a nil panic on recommendations endpoint.
- Fix an issue with assets labels for the network asset type are showing node labels that are non-network related.
- Update dependencies from go-migrate-duckdb library to fix CVE.
- Fix UI empty state for tables across the user interface.
- Fix an issue allowing for negative values in allocations.
- Fix an issue with accumulation on hourly windows in allocations.
- Fix an issue allowing requestSizingV2 to return more than one recommendation.
- Fix an issue with sharing by namespace distributing incorrectly.
- Fix an issue with allocations trends inaccuracy.
- Fix an issue with the overview not always matching the allocations page for idle.
- Fix an issue causing agent to get HTTP 500 error on /metrics endpoint with duplicate label/annotation.
- Fix an issue where container information was not showing on the allocations page.
- Fix an issue causing oracle clusters to get a crash loop when installing the agent.
- Fix an issue with accounts not always showing correctly in Assets view.
- Fix cost metadata to be more accurate for oracle cloud provider.
- Update kubectl cost to mitigate vulnerabilities in dependencies.
- Fix an issue causing HTTP 500 in multi-cluster diagnostics.
- Fix log level of critical object store outage in the agent to always be error instead of certain conditions allowing warning.
- Fix an issue with ‘uh oh’ showing on allocations page due to an error in /topline endpoint.
- Fix an issue with Assets autocompletion when label filter is set.
- Fix allocation summary efficiency not matching full allocations api.
- Fix an issue where allocations totals row shows shared costs when sharing is disabled.
- Fix an issue with datadog plugin error on database monitoring costs.
- Fix an issue with cloud reports not saving properly.
- Fix an issue with budgets “view breakdown” not matching export output.
- Fix an issue with container right-sizing CPU/Memory columns using inconsistent units.
- Fix an issue filtering by project on the assets page.
- Fix an issue with Multi-cluster diagnostics returning false positives when SSO is enabled.
- Fix an issue with slow response on allocation api with no aggregate set.
- Fix an issue with inconsistent drill-down in cloud costs.
Helm Changes
- #3605 Add Instance AllowLists for cluster-sizing.
- #3591 Add ingestion configuration for standard (global) discount.
- #3635 Add routes for savings recommendations allow list validation API.
- #3647 Add new tmp directory for new base image requirements on frontend container.
- #3645 Add resource reference files for kubecostProductConfigs.savingsRecommendationsAllowLists.
- #3651 Increase prometheus.server.retention to 97h.
- #3658 Remove helm rollout restarter, replaced with config hash restarter.
- #3642 Add new container costs and resources endpoints to nginx.
- #3660 Enhance Pod utilization Grafana dashboard with GPU Utilization widget.
- #3670 Add aggregator custom labels template.
- #3673 Add federated storage warning.
- #3563 Update version compatibility matrix.
- #3534 Add node selector and affinity to cluster controller.
- #3680 Begins CI testing with K8s 1.31. Bumps patches for all other versions in the matrix. Rolls forward for compatibility of 2.4 by one version.
- #3684 Add /diagnostic/nodeCount endpoint to nginx routes.
- #3622 Make basic-health image configurable.
- #3585 Add missing container security context in prometheus server statefulset.
- #3679 Allow defining resources for cluster controller.
- #3676 Add option for additional chart labels in values.
- #3678 Add annotations to all controllers.
- #3704 Add gpuUtilization endpoints to nginx routes.
- #3708 Add support for multiple simultaneous plugins.
- #3711 Add nginx routes for /savings/gpuUtilization/topline endpoint.
- #3710 Add cost model image tag as an environment variable.
- #3714 Update ISSUE_Guidelines to redirect to https://support.kubecost.com
- #3717 Add logLevel as a helm value property of kubecostModel instead of extraEnv.
- #3716 Fix proper handling of a list of values for imagePullSecrets.
- #3700 Add kubeRBACProxy property to support querying in cluster prometheus in openshift.
- #3694 Delete many deprecated templates/values.
- #3719 Add nginx routes for gpu recommendations endpoints.
- #3723 Add additional aggregation options to endpoint configuration.
- #3725 Update comments about OIDC RBAC groups.
- #3706 Add turbonomic secret.
- #3728 Add nginx routes for topline endpoint.
- #3735 Improve comments in extraScrapeConfigs.
- #3739 Update endpoint configuration for savings/gpuWorkloadUtilization.
Helm Fixes
- #3621 Use ghcr.io instead of dockerhub due to rate limiting for k8s-sidecar
- #3637 Fix diagnostics and federatedStorageConfig
- #3732 Fix turbonomic integration environment variables.
- #3741 Fix upstream chainguard dependency failures.
- #3742 Fix link to docs.kubecost.com.
- #3721 Fix openshift values to default with in-cluster prometheus.
Dependency Updates
- #3724 Bump kubecost modeling 0.1.18
- #3621 k8s-sidecar moved to ghcr instead of dockerhub
- #3662 Bump network-costs to 0.17.6
- #3652 Bump Cluster Controller 0.16.9
- #3741 move all chainguard references back to default upstream image locations.
Helm Chart Comparison Report kubecost/cost-analyzer@2.4.3 to kubecost/cost-analyzer@2.5.0-rc.4
CVE by Severity
Severity | Count | Prev Count | Difference |
critical | 0 | 0 | +0 |
high | 0 | 0 | +0 |
medium | 14 | 16 | -2 |
low | 66 | 70 | -4 |
Image Name | Status | Before Repo | After Repo | Before Tag | After Tag |
kubecost-modeling | Changed | gcr.io/kubecost1 | gcr.io/kubecost1 | v0.1.16 | v0.1.18 |
cost-model | Changed | gcr.io/kubecost1 | gcr.io/kubecost1 | prod-2.4.3 | prod-2.5.0-rc.4 |
frontend | Changed | gcr.io/kubecost1 | gcr.io/kubecost1 | prod-2.4.3 | prod-2.5.0-rc.4 |
prometheus | Unchanged | quay.io/prometheus | quay.io/prometheus | v2.55.1 | v2.55.1 |
k8s | Unchanged | alpine | alpine | 1.26.9 | 1.26.9 |
k8s-sidecar | Unchanged | ghcr.io/kiwigrid | ghcr.io/kiwigrid | 1.28.0 | 1.28.0 |
grafana | Unchanged | grafana | grafana | 11.3.1 | 11.3.1 |
Unchanged CVEs
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2021-3997 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2023-30571 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-35325 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-50602 | medium | k8s-sidecar |
CVE-2024-52533 | medium | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9287 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2019-12900 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-27943 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-29458 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-3219 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-41409 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2022-4899 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-2953 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-32636 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-36191 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-4156 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-45322 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-45918 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2023-50495 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-0232 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-2511 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-34459 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-41996 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-4741 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-51744 | low | grafana |
CVE-2024-5535 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-7264 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9143 | low | grafana, k8s-sidecar |
CVE-2024-9681 | low | cost-model |
Added CVEs
No CVEs found.
Removed CVEs
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2024-49766 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE-2024-49767 | medium | kubecost-modeling |
CVE ID | Severity | Affected Images |
CVE-2024-51744 | low | cost-model |
CVE-2024-9143 | low | kubecost-modeling |