github kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart v2.3.1

3 days ago

What's Changed

In Kubecost 2.3, Helm no longer reads kubecostAggregator.env. This was done to prevent unexpected behavior and to simplify the aggregator's configuration. New key pairs are available to change these settings, though most will not need to change anything.

Very few users made changes to Aggregator environment variables- for those that did, a new message will be displayed during upgrades to 2.3.1.

For more information, see:

The most important change is the addition of .Values.kubecostAggregator.etlDailyStoreDurationDays which is the setting that determines the history aggregator should build from the federated-store. The default is 91 days.

  • Remove duplicate labels, causing ArgoCD to fail on upgrade #3500
  • Add notice for values change #3509

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