What's Changed
New Features
- feat: fluentbit hotreload by @aslafy-z in #1414
- feat: add vmware log insight fluentd output by @logikone in #1681
- Add support for VMware Log Intelligence by @zrobisho in #1685
- feat: kubernetes namespace labels and annotations with fluent-bit 3.0 by @pepov in #1696
Removed feature
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1627 - with upgrading to the next kubernetes version we also removed support for PSPs, although the API left intact
- chore(chart): check CRDs available before installing ServiceMonitor by @cmontemuino in #1633
- Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) by @bbyreddy in #1617
- Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) (#1617) by @pepov in #1653
- fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1656
- Feat: add PodDisruptionBudget for fluentd by @yunkunrao in #1602
- feat(charts,logging-operator): make configCheck configurable in loggi… by @sebastiangaiser in #1675
- feat: expose event tailer metrics by @h4wkmoon in #1668
- helm: allow eventtailer image override through chart by @SchutteJan in #1674
- feat(fluentbit): add storage.delete_irrecoverable_chunks option by @aslafy-z in #1678
- fix: pass complete security context to pods by @niklastreml in #1679
- Isolate input sources to avoid backpressure affecting other tenants by @pepov in #1682
- isolate input sources using fixed hash tag and backpressure by @pepov in #1688
- [Output/Elasticsearch] Add template field by @tarokkk in #1690
- chore: hide flow config in the logs by default by @pepov in #1700
Dependency and image updates
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1618
- chore(deps): Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 in /e2e by @dependabot in #1620
- fix(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1621
- chore: upgrade protobuf dep by @pepov in #1649
- fix(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1651
- fix(deps): update module helm.sh/helm/v3 to v3.14.2 [security] by @renovate in #1671
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1652
- chore(deps): update protobuf by @pepov in #1697
Bug fixes
- fix(syslog-ng-loki-output): fix invalid tls options by @kristofgyuracz in #1634
- Fix loggingroute notifications for changes in the logging resource status by @pepov in #1640
- fix: add namespace filter when listing aggregator configs by @pepov in #1644
- fix tenant aggregation detection by @pepov in #1661
- fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1663
- fix to make detached aggregators work when generating fluentbit tenants by @pepov in #1665
- Fix fluentdconfig and syslogngconfig deletion by @OverOrion in #1672
- fix: remove requeue after by @pepov in #1680
- fix doc link for enhance-k8s-metadata plugin by @pepov in #1639
- config type move by @pepov in #1641
- doc: loki.go axosyslog link fix by @fekete-robert in #1655
- Logo update and docs cleanup by @pepov in #1631
Other Changes
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1611
- chore: delete obsolete file by @pepov in #1624
- Generated doc fixes 4.5 by @fekete-robert in #1619
- merge release 4.5 by @pepov in #1648
- Merge latest updates from release 4.5 back to master by @pepov in #1664
- Merge latest updates from release 4.5 back to master by @OverOrion in #1673
- doc: add DISH to adopters list by @musemulatu-Dish in #1677
- Merge latest changes in release 4.5 back to master by @pepov in #1689
- Update not yet released 4.6 with latest dependency updates from master by @pepov in #1698
- chore: remove obsolete deprecation warning from logging status by @pepov in #1699
New Contributors
- @cmontemuino made their first contribution in #1633
- @bbyreddy made their first contribution in #1617
- @yunkunrao made their first contribution in #1602
- @musemulatu-Dish made their first contribution in #1677
- @sebastiangaiser made their first contribution in #1675
- @h4wkmoon made their first contribution in #1668
- @SchutteJan made their first contribution in #1674
- @niklastreml made their first contribution in #1679
- @logikone made their first contribution in #1681
- @zrobisho made their first contribution in #1685
Full Changelog: 4.5.2...4.6.0-rc.0