🌈 What's New?
- Web app for managing InferenceServices #1328
- web-app: Add manifests for launching and exposing the app #1505
- web-app: Implement a GitHub action for building the web app #1504
- [storage-initializer] add support for aws sts #1451
- MMS: Add heathcheck endpoint for InferenceService agent #1041
- MMS: Trained Model Validation Webhook + Memory in trained model immutable #1394
- MMS: multi-model-serving support for custom container in predictorSpec #1427
- MMS: Added annotation to use anonymous credentials for s3 #1538
- MMS: Adds condition for Trained Model to check if isvc predictor supports MMS #1522
- MMS: Introducing HTTP protocol for MMS downloader
- Improve PMMLServer predict performance #1405
🐛 What's Fixed?
- Fix duplicated revision when creating the service initially #1467
- The ingress virtual service is not reconciled when updating annotations/labels of inference service #1524
- Model server response status code not propagated when using logger #1530
- MMS service gets 404 during autoscaling #1338
- MMS: Added mutex for downloader providers. Fixes #1531
- MMS: Prevents /mnt/models/ from being converted into a file #1549
- MMS: Watcher should not be started until models downloaded in MMS #1429
- Resolve knative service diff to prevent dup revision #1484
- Storage initializer download tar.gz or zip from uri with query params fails #1462
- Make v1beta1 custom predictors have configurable protocol #1483
- Fix logger for error response case #1533
- [xgboostserver] Convert list input to numpy array before creating DMatrix #1513
What's Changed?
- support knative 0.19+, defaults to knative-local-gateway #1334
Development experience and docs
- speed-up alibi-explainer image build #1395
- Update logger samples for newer eventing versions #1526
- Update pipelines documentation #1498
- Add github action for python lint #1485
- Add Spark model inference example with export pmml file #1434
- Update kubeflow overlay #1424
- reorg multi-model serving doc #1412