github krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery 1.4.0

latest releases: 2.2.5, 2.2.4, 2.2.3...
3 years ago


  • Added allImports property to Type, which returns all imports existed in all files containing this type and all its super classes/protocols.
  • Added basedTypes property to Type, which contains all Types this type inherits from or implements, including unknown (not scanned) types with extensions defined.
  • Added inference logic for basic generics from variable initialization block
  • Added newline and typed stencil tags from Sourcery Pro


  • Fixed inferring raw value type from inherited types for enums with no cases or with associated values
  • Fixed access level of protocol members
  • Fixes parsing indirect enum cases correctly even when inline documentation is used
  • Fixes TypeName.isClosure to handle composed types correctly
  • Fixes issue where Annotations for Protocol Composition types are empty
  • Fixes sourcery:inline:auto position calculation when the file contains UTF16 characters
  • Fixes sourcery:inline:auto position calculation when the file already contains code generated by Sourcery

Internal changes

  • Removes manual parsing of TypeName, only explicit parser / configuration is now used
  • Updted SwiftLint, Quick and Nible to latest versions

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