github krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery 1.3.0

latest releases: 2.2.5, 2.2.4, 2.2.3...
3 years ago

Internal changes

  • Sourcery is now using SwiftSyntax not SourceKit
  • Performance is significantly improved
  • Memory usage for common case (cached) is drastically lowered

Configuration changes

  • added logAST that will cause AST warnings and errors to be logged, default false
  • added logBenchmarks that will cause benchmark informations to be logged, default false

AST Data Changes

  • initializers are now considered as static method not instance
  • typealiases and protocol compositions now provide proper accessLevel
  • if a tuple arguments are unnamed their name will be automatically set to index
  • default accessLevel when not provided in code is internal everywhere
  • Added modifiers to everything that had attributes and split them across, in sync with Swift naming
  • block annotations will be applied to associated values that are inside them
  • extensions of unknown types will not have the definition module name added in their globalName property. (You can still access it via module)
  • if you had some weird formatting around syntax declarations (newlines in-between etc) the AST data should be cleaned up rather than trying to reproduce that style
  • Imports are now proper types, with additional information
  • Protocol now has genericRequirements, it will also inherit associatedType from it's parent if it's not present
  • Single value tuples will be automatically unwrapped when parsing


  • Attributes are now of stored in dictionary of arrays [String: [Attribute]] since you can have multiple attributes of the same name e.g. @available
  • Name when not named will be using index same as associated value do e.g. objc(name) will have 0: name as argument
  • spaces will no longer be replaced with _


  • If you want to use Sourcery as framework you'll need to use SPM integration since SwiftSyntax doesn't have Podspec
  • If you run into dylib issue it means your Xcode isn't in default location, simple symlink should work

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