CMI Update Checker was broken so you will not receive update alerts until you update to this version of CMI which has resolved the issue.
The default install type was changed to one almost completely different so if you don't read this and click through the setup blindly, you might find yourself with a very different CMI setup than you're used to! Read further to learn more.
Late Advisory! If you encounter odd warnings about mods, particularly with PosterLoader, then it may be because you previously had PosterLoader and there are files left over. Delete the following folders to get rid of the error:
- Mods/[CMI]PosterLoader
Alternatively, you can tick Move Mods under cleaning tasks when upgrading CMI to fix this. Note, this will also move MultipleMaidsPoses away.
- Updated PosterLoader
- Updated SmoothAnim
- Updated FixEyeMov
- Updated ModLoader
- Updated InputHotkeyBlock
- Updated CMIUpdateChecker(was broken by github updating their security protocol standards.)
- Added AdvancedMaterialModifier
- Removed DeRim (Replaced by AMM ^)
- *The controversial edit: minimalist install type was renamed, reworked a little and made the default type. Explained below.
*The controversial edit was made because I've seen countless users ask what does this or how to use that when all of that information is, firstly, in the readme, and secondly, they should have a basic idea of what it is they're installing in the first place. As a result, I've decided to, in order to avoid giving users plugins they might never use and to avoid people finding features/bugs they didn't know they had from plugins they didn't know existed, make the default install very basic, forcing them to sort of make a conscious decision when they want to install a certain feature.
and don't abuse your meidos!!!