github kromitgmbh/titra 0.49.0

latest releases: 0.97.3, 0.97.2, 0.97.1...
3 years ago

⚠️ this is a major release, please report any issues you might find!
⬆️ migration to Bootstrap 5
⬆️ updated package dependencies
💄 adjusting all views to use new bootstrap 5 design elements
💄 use bootstrap 5 floating labels wherever possible
🐛 fixed a weird time tracking bug where double :: would sometimes lead to invalid emoji detection
🐛 fixed a super annoying long-time bug in the project overview where not all tooltips were initialised correctly
🐎 added a default limit of 25 projects to the project overview - this will be configureable in the future, but for the time being who is really working on more than 25 projects in parallel?
🗑 dropped sweetalert2 dependency in favour of bootstrap 5 toasts

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