github krassowski/complex-upset v1.2.0

latest releases: v1.3.5, v1.3.4, v1.3.3...
3 years ago

This release contains critical bug fixes and includes major improvements to handling of manually specified intersections and allows for extended customization of stripes. All users are recommended to upgrade to this release.

Bug fixes:

  • [critical] fixed display order of labels when using encode_sets=TRUE #110
  • encoding of set names will now properly work around name conflicts #110

Major improvements:

  • manually specified intersections will now display empty intersections and non-exclusive intersections correctly #109
  • manually specified intersections do not require modifying the intersect argument to obtain the intended result any longer #109
  • stripes size and other attributes of underlying geom_segment() can now be customized with new function: upset_stripes() #111
  • stripes color and other attributes can now be mapped to data #111

Minor improvements:

  • data.table can be passed instead of data.frame (the conversion will be performed atuomatically) #105
  • warning will be shown if a vecotor is provided instead of a list to the intersections argument #109
  • when intersections argument includes sets not specified in intersect, a warning will be issued and execution will proceed as if those were included in intersect #109
  • when incorrect names of sets are passed to intersections argument, those will be highlighted and plotting will be aborted #109

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