github kptdev/kpt test-srw

latest releases: v1.0.0-beta.50, v1.0.0-beta.49, porch/v0.0.35...
3 years ago


9859af2b Add --workflow flag to kpt fn export
b22f1909 Add 2021 roadmap for kpt
9d264463 Add CircleCI
6be7defb Add CloudBuild
95d57f4d Add Contacts page with a link to the Slack channel
f639595f Add GitLab CI
8be3f718 Add Github Action to check for broken site links (#1393)
86129fbb Add Jenkins
cc28afb7 Add PR template
bb0f6d1c Add Tekton Pipeline
f8455283 Add Tekton Task
6862e33b Add to functions in function-export-blueprint
e4399795 Add descriptions for generators, transformers and validators.
631e9771 Add export command with GitHubActions support
0cf709ca Add fn export examples
88505936 Add fn export subcommand
cb91d2ef Add generic function for updating the annotations only (#1351)
2247e487 Add github action for markdown linting
39c45a07 Add help message when diff fails (#1466)
3d2c2f47 Add license section
dcd1b121 Add make target for updating the main deps to master
8d95cc17 Add missing dot to git tag
ea5d5ad9 Add names to functions in function-export-blueprint
51112435 Add openAPI schema from Kptfile
07e86c4a Add pathutil
04b13a21 Add pipeline diagram to front page of catalog.
4be5d836 Add structured results section and link to toolchain used to make catalog functions
0c19e821 Add test suites for exporting GitHub Actions pipelines
a219add8 Add top-level index page for KRM functions.
8d4bb6ef Add who would write a function.
dd27ed3a Address fishfood feedback
fa5adc25 Address review comments
c25d76e8 Address review comments
3078d5eb Adds RBAC error during apply end-to-end test case (#1425)
83a394b2 Adds ResourceGroupPathManifestReader
406d1e79 Adds ResourceGroupStreamManifestReader to ResourceGroupProvider
b57890de Adds flags and k8s cluster versions to e2e test
7440c9a4 Adds kpt live install-resource-group command
f2d71292 Adds labels/annotations to inventory section of Kptfile
af47564d Adds license
42e9f07d Adds migrate command hidden behind env var
50b4756a Adds migrate-specific error message
84516801 Adds option to kpt e2e test to build using dependencies at HEAD
f952ebb2 Adds output to kpt live init for ResourceGroup and flag
5591b68a Adds server-side apply docs to kpt live apply
dffd348f Another fix for internal links for ResourceGroup alpha docs (#1384)
36cc2473 Autosetters during pkg update
def5b9e1 Autosetters with Subpkgs
755b0b8f Avoid ugly Kptfile indentation on get/update
a127029c Binary only release artifacts (#1385)
8cd9a9dc Bump cli-utils to v0.16.0, kyaml to v0.4.0, and cmd/config to v0.4.0
b111ec1e Bump dependencies versions for release
10da133d Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /site (#1292)
dfe0ea7a Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /site
ef25f354 Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /site/themes/docsy/userguide
d41c3ec3 Bump versions of kyaml, cmd/config and cli-utils
9bb0a653 Bundle docker client into the kpt image
1f5ac47a Capitalization fix.
edc00c04 Change default k8s schema source to be the builtin schema
5a106e3d Changed testdata dir names to convey how they work together
d8a61a20 Check --fn-path
213eeae5 Check if required setters are set
72ac4ec6 Check that we have the path argument before reading Kptfile
e97fd381 Clarify links, add functions to catalog
6d40df48 Composite Packages concepts
1a13ac17 Continue on error test (#1370)
8a5ab447 Convert input paths to relative format
2fc7f407 Create a next version of the example package
b0bfa1eb Create arm64 binaries for kpt releases (#1320)
8a9a3587 Deduplicate kpt function docs (#923)
463c4ab5 Defer openAPI cleanup
bc7e90ec Delete references to config funcs as KPT functions
fb378491 Delete the public folder as it is no longer in use
a02fa103 Doc: add user guides of kpt fn export
fe5b3709 Document typescript function exec runtime example
1b0590aa Documentation for ResourceGroup as inventory object (alpha) (#1357)
40516b00 Dual-delegating provider allows ConfigMap and ResourceGroup inventory
a1679f71 E2E Testing Environment for Kpt Live Tests (#1492)
0ba95a09 Exclude site regen commits from changelog
ae7d9fab First version of kpt live migrate command
72963ca6 Fix ReadFile in kptfileutil to avoid reading Kptfile in wrong directory
8dcfc39b Fix a doc formatting issue for kpt live apply
e20b22cd Fix all markdownlint issues
62271c33 Fix doc link 404's (#1473)
03be6c57 Fix e2e test that depends on env
0fa5d0aa Fix errors in the apply guide
181fd5dc Fix formatting lint error
d070376e Fix incorrect tar.gz file format in cloud build file
9666b27c Fix link to roadmap in
8842a2cc Fix outdated information about the --k8s-schema-source flag (#967)
d1ebd84b Fix package typo.
8a1032f5 Fix parsing of repos with .git (#1398)
bc3b5b13 Fix spacing lint error.
8ea27e53 Fix substitution name in guides
f46e09cc Fix typo in function doc
76810acb Fix typos (#1330)
4532ab1e Fix: consumer guide link (documentation) (#1118)
d2a334ee Fixed sync set strategy bug
35b3e859 Fixes bug in dry-run for kpt live migrate
a37430d8 Fixes bug when validating ResourceGroup after storing zero inventory
19c2b849 Fixes copyright author assigning to Google LLC
0a309cae Fixes init (alpha) command link collision (#1389)
2311c463 Fixes links in docs for ResourceGroup alpha commands (#1374)
c7e0949b Fixes migrate command bug
38939497 Fixes missing license and gofmt error
bce05124 Fixes panic when inventory is empty
61ba7f93 Flatten catalogs with parent function information.
6bcd8314 Format function-export-blueprint
9d6b0ba3 Generate packages.go
a907bcde Generate site with Cloud Build
51d5cebe Generated Guides Changes
6920855c Goreleaser setup for kpt
b30ab18c Guide command must have exactly one argument
30fa81a8 Handle all errors in main
150defb1 Handle generating pipeline failure
34bc5a80 Handle path parser non-array case (#1427)
52dc5b35 Handle relative vs abs paths in cobra command for update
90099e2f Hide cobra flags that are unlikely to be used
da2836be Ignore node_modules files from site gen.
85faa851 Improve test coverage for updates of packages
48ba56f6 Improve the content of the default generated file
c7a3e136 Improve the test framework for update functionality
2598790b Include delete-subst command
42a54880 Inherit setter values from parent package
c16bb931 Initialize logs so logging statements work
28c3a7d0 Inline multiple kpt functions in quickstart
d91ac21e Introduce 3 issue templates and links (#1097)
82e72879 Make catalog landing page static.
43fc13ed Minor spelling update (#1354)
9f852236 Move TestSetupManager into a separate package
9025a5e0 Move pathutil package into cmdexport
48ef2604 Move catalog index above export flow.
e972dc07 Move internal/kptfile to pkg/kptfile to make it vendorable
ec343a74 Newline update for documentation templates.
b299c8ef OpenAPI validation docs
d1931b61 Plumb the Provider through kpt into cli-utils
6db6edc6 Point go.mod to latest kyaml and cmd/config
ed05ef1c Put double quotes in error messages with resources (#1365)
146f68d8 Regenerate site
55dd416b Regenerated docs
28c1710d Remove blank line.
9c94bd99 Remove broken catalog link.
89af68fb Remove broken kubeval example.
d109924b Remove files from release artifacts and improve naming
d26231ee Remove generated site from master branch
51066e91 Remove miscellaneous functions from catalog.
5cb59118 Remove stale reference to files that don't exist
d941447f Remove superfluous markdown aliases.
1b43fb33 Remove the use of LocalPackageReader from resource merge
8017d959 Remove use of golangplus test framework
70056fce Rename config.yaml -> config.yml (#1482)
1d1eeec9 Rename function-example directory.
6d9851dc Rename index script to index_generator.
58c7dec1 Rename kpt function to config function
7754497b ResourceGroup implementation of Provider interface
2fa7cc43 ResourceGroup implementing Inventory interface
c5fc57df Revert "remove stale example"
a079ada2 Run Additional Checks on Pushes to Master (#1478)
ad2cf2b0 Search and replace functionality
038b5f10 Separate functions into different pages.
c87afd64 Set kpt version for binary built with docker
5f1a1951 Set proper Kptfile name when running init in current dir
dd84ec24 Setter Inheritance: Handle no definitions in parent (#1423)
1c12971a Silence long usage message for errors
d5d6d785 Simplify the implementation of WithinDirectory
7bfefb73 Small fixes to kpt live e2e test
4c9e64de Small improvements to the consumer guides
4a2b181a Split quickstart into smaller steps
8201c64d Squashed commit of the following: (#1318)
39fcca08 Standardize KPT capitalization.
334b3b75 StreamManifestReader for ResourceGroup inventory
d0762af3 Support advanced path expressions
18322211 Support basic path expressions
bf49be9c Support exporting CircleCI pipelines
945bdc4b Support exporting Cloud Build pipelines
fa9abdf8 Support exporting Jenkinsfiles
a13e15c3 Support exporting Tekton pipelines
a3a194fe Support git master rename to main
4a651ee9 Support raw files in package builder
acdd5845 Supporting exporting GitLab CI piplelines
7bf1a36d Transfer kpt-functions sdk and catalog docs to kpt
a7418e75 Turn consumer guides into executable tests
6dfd83ec Turn guides into executable tests
b4da3284 Turns the consumer init and setter guides into tests
6067c824 Unify ResourceGroup CRD installation output
10007384 Update CliUtils Version
c623ebe3 Update Contributing to auto-lint with prettier
ca4befc2 Update Diffing Display (#1419)
3a924b4a Update Homebrew to v0.37.1 (#1317)
db236d77 Update Homebrew v0.36.1
e23c2a54 Update Kptfiles in Sub Packages
2db54409 Update MAINTAINERS and add CODEOWNERS.
8ded6900 Update
13915489 Update fn run docs. (#1361)
22a54013 Update catalog examples
d54fa9fb Update cmd/config, kyaml and cli-utils dependencies
2a63ba02 Update cmd/config, kyaml and cli-utils deps
0f14f817 Update contributing docs based on new website setup
80d7363e Update contributing guide for making docs changes
5671d7d6 Update dependencies for release
82d3e847 Update dependencies for release
df3f9e7c Update dependencies for v0.38.0 (#1446)
a348747a Update deps and address api changes
153c5452 Update diff-tool-opts docs for correctness. (#1467)
d7cc5dca Update docs
60e40abc Update docs to match newline requirements.
57101b34 Update download link to point to github release page
23b91a80 Update e2e tests to run on pull/push (#1497)
5d3804c5 Update error handling for e2e test; adds tests
33754e51 Update go.mod
cd256b93 Update home brew v0.35.0
7dde7369 Update homebrew for v0.33.0
e8bc7e5b Update homebrew for v0.38.0 (#1450)
d9bbb3ff Update homebrew for v0.38.1 (#1525)
6d0976fb Update homebrew version v0.36.0
316f26f5 Update hugo site with latest changes
7d037009 Update kpt image
8af1eae7 Update kpt live init documentation. (#1397)
985bfcf4 Update kpt to latest references
58ff09f0 Update kpt to point latest kyaml, cmd/config
d68f3833 Update kustomize library versions
1653c0c8 Update kyaml master
da410e89 Update kyaml version
aaf288d9 Update latest kyaml and cmd/config master
e583b41f Update latest libraries master
1d4e1d6d Update make gencatalog to address correct indices.
84aeece2 Update package path.
8d462092 Update pkg fix to handle v1 partial setters suffix/infix
b8bcc204 Update pull request template
488fac19 Update setters docs
0b287e02 Update short hand ref for setters
87bccc71 Update the helloworld-set example with latest version of kpt
6a191753 Update to latest version of cli-utils
bf686be5 Update to latest version of dependencies (#1504)
9480a1cf Update to latest version of kyaml and cmd/config
fe31e6af Update v1 setters deprecation message
fd064b6d Update versions for cli-utils, kyaml and cmd/config
6f17a03c UpdateHomebrew-v0.30.1
d2fb2bf8 UpdateOpenAPI CleanUp Logic SetterInherit
5674f57e Updated Fixed minor typo.
ad11a8e4 Updated refs for v0.36.0
998d233e Updates continue-on-error e2e test case (#1426)
0496e5f3 Updates kpt to use cli-utils version 0.23.0 (#1420)
fa39a590 Updates migrate no ConfigMap error to be success
9fee4026 Updates the kpt generated docs with new flag info
dc2cbfff Updating examples to use the new syntax and args
e0ddeedc Upgrade kpt to recent kustomize repo releases.
65960500 Upgrade linter version
08d4240c Use golang subtests in update tests
d44d4fda Use latest kyaml and cmd/config
28bff358 Use new KRMFileName function in cmd/config
e7c8312c Wire up the status command under the live command group
82af88b7 Write toolchain path based on name.
ed056617 add .spec.subgroups field in ResourceGroup CRD (#1335)
c770c71e add a function to create a ResourceGroup unstructured (#1344)
dd8e2444 add delete setter cmd from kustomize
e3cee45f add e2e test for kpt live apply (#1315)
3c894891 address comments
64398b13 alpine:latest doesn't work, so use the next to last version of the alpine image
681f2751 change group version of Kptfile to constants
d37cdcee change the group and version of ResourceGroup
e9daa870 change the inventory field to pointer
3134e8f0 doc for delete setter
dead45bf duplicate error display is removed
5f8f9a04 e2e/live/ (#1338)
6e69c126 generate docs
e8177182 implement put-pattern
33d99f60 include labels and annotations when generating ResourceGroup
3c44efbf kpt init command updates Kptfile inventory parameters
8dca511e kpt live end-to-end test script
10ea762e kpt pkg fix command impl
9cdfdd53 kpt run CRD installation before live apply
25b65b6d merge the logical of section1 and section2
b2aa5c0f modify client function to update both labels and annotations (#1360)
409ff863 move ResourceGroupProvider to pkg/live
39f90dce refactor
415b02bd remove gif from repo
059f192c remove stale example
195b5bbf removing the function examples.
b1cba643 removing the helloworld-generate example.
b92496a6 removing travis build instructions
f11088c7 replace var
4445b0c1 return err if merge fails
c8fc3d20 split the provider interface
23b736dc update functions for wrapping an inventory ResourceGroup (#1391)
483716a8 update homebrew to v0.27.0
3c032198 update homebrew to v0.30.0
3f304a9f update homebrew to v0.32.0
01e77db4 update homebrew to v0.34.0
4ae89e29 update homebrew to version 0.31.0
0feffc56 update the Kptfile merger so that it handles delete setters correctly.
ce944207 updated docs: make docs
55065c2e updating go-version to 1.15 across the board. (#1477)
d2f60907 upload the resourcegroup crd for
8695bbb3 use preprocessing to handle the first time apply with inventorypolicy (#1382)

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