- This is a developer release and is NOT recommended for general use. For stable releases, please visit Koodo Reader.
New Features
- No longer using Electron's safeStorage API for data encryption, eliminating the need for an additional password input for macOS and Linux user.
- Added support to disable the Pro version related prompts at the top of the software.
- (Mobile Version) Optimized the AI dictionary feature.
- (Mobile Version) The color of the Android bottom navigation bar now automatically follows the App's theme.
- (Mobile Version) Manual credential input is now supported in the login and sync options within settings (for cases where the browser does not automatically redirect back to the App).
- Removed extra blank spaces between paragraphs in TXT books.
- Fixed the issue where the page width option would not work when the book width was less than 720 pixels.
- Fixed the issue where the fixed left-side table of contents would disappear after clicking the menu button in the top right corner.
- Fixed the misalignment issue between highlights and text in PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where Linux users could not be redirected back to the software after logging in through the browser.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the issue where text would be obscured after adjusting page margins.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the issue where custom book background colors would not take effect.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the issue where headers would obscure text.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the crash issue on iOS after adding fonts.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the issue where the number of books displayed in a row on tablets would not automatically adjust after screen rotation.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the issue where PDFs were not centered in landscape mode.
- (Mobile Version) Fixed the crash issue with the data source login credential input box.
- 此版本为开发版,不建议长期使用,如果您希望下载稳定版,请访问 Koodo Reader.
- 不再使用 Electron 的 safeStorage api对数据进行加密,macOS和Linux用户不再需要额外输入密码
- 支持关闭软件顶部的专业版相关提示
- (移动版)AI 词典功能优化
- (移动版)安卓底部导航栏颜色自动跟随 App 变化
- (移动版)现在设置中的登录选项和同步选项中也支持手动输入凭证(用于浏览器没有自动跳转回App的情况)
- 去除txt图书,段落之间额外的空白区域
- 修复当图书宽度小于720像素时,页面宽度选项失效的问题
- 修复点击右上角菜单按钮之后,固定的左侧目录消失的问题
- 修复PDF文件的高亮和文字不对齐的问题
- 修复 Linux 用户浏览器登录之后无法跳转回软件的问题
- (移动版)修复调整页边距之后,出现文字遮挡的问题
- (移动版)修复自定义图书背景色之后不生效的问题
- (移动版)修复页眉遮挡文字的问题
- (移动版)修复 iOS 上添加完字体之后闪退的问题
- (移动版)修复平板上旋转屏幕之后,同一行展示的图书数量不自动变化的问题
- (移动版)修复横屏下的PDF不居中的问题
- (移动版)修复数据源登录凭证输入框闪退的问题