github kluctl/kluctl v2.23.0

latest releases: devel, v2.25.0, v2.24.1...
5 months ago

Kluctl v2.23.0 comes with improvements, fixes and breaking changes.

Breaking changes

  • targetPath in the clusterSecrets and clusterConfigMap vars sources has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use the new common targetPath field one level up.
  • Specifying a target is now mandatory when the .kluctl.yaml defines targets. See #470 for the reasoning behind this breaking change.

New Features and Improvements

Waiting for readiness

waitReadiness has been improved to allow waiting for readiness on objects that get applied outside of the Kluctl deployment process.

Additionally, the new waitReadinessObjects deployment item can now be used to wait for objects that are not part of the current deployment.

This allows to wait for things that are deployed by controllers/operators, for example CRDs.

New vars sources

The new clusterObject vars source can now be used to load arbitrary Kubernetes objects into variables.

The new gitFiles vars source can now be used to load arbitrary branches/tags and files as variables.

Other new features

  • --kubeconfig can now be passed to most commands to override the kubeconfig.

Bugfixes and improvements

  • CRD deployments, performed from your deployment or a controller, are now properly detected and handled. This should deployments much more reliable and predictable when proper barriers and waitReadiness/waitReadinessObjects are used.
  • Warnings are now printed at the bottom of the pretty command result, avoiding missing existence of those when many changes are reported.
  • Kluctl now respects the users cache dirs (e.g. ~/.cache on Linux) und uses those for all cache related things.


For a detailed list of changes, see the release comparison: v2.22.0...v2.23.0

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