- Drop travis-ci.org and use github-actions for pypi release #2487 (misl6)
- Upgrade grunt version re: CVE-2020-7729 #2484 (Zen-CODE)
- Recipe for pydantic #2480 (FilipeMarch)
- fix pandas recipe #2478 (mzakharo)
- Add *.diff to manifest and package_data #2471 (viblo)
- Fix bad library found by ctypes for 64-bit arch (#2468) #2469 (macdems)
- Updated version of pygame from 2.0.0-dev7 to 2.0.1 #2466 (ljnath)
- Adds libm to Pillow recipe #2465 (Sahil-pixel)
- Add missing mipmap directories to bootstraps. #2463 (rnixx)
- Move PythonActivityUtil.unpackData to PythonUtil.unpackData #2462 (rnixx)
- Websocket-client updated to 1.0.1 from 0.40.0 #2458 (akshayaurora)
- fixed redirection for download liblzma #2452 (td1803)
- update (host)python3 to 3.8.9 #2451 (obfusk)
- update sqlite3 #2449 (obfusk)
- build.py: also clean() tarfile directory entries #2447 (obfusk)
- android: add support for adaptive icon/launcher #2446 (SomberNight)
- Fix ImportError bug: cannot locate symbol "modf" #2445 (Neizvestnyj)
- update openssl #2443 (obfusk)
- Add libvpx recipe, reference it in ffpyplayer_codecs and ffmpeg #2440 (Cheaterman)
- Add setuptools dependency for Groestlcoin_hash recipe #2438 (gruve-p)
- set urllib user-agent #2437 (obfusk)
- setup.py: add *.diff to package_data #2436 (obfusk)
- Reintroduce documentation of android module #2432 (tito)
- Update __init__.py #2429 (Neizvestnyj)
- webview: flush cookies & improve shouldOverrideUrlLoading #2424 (obfusk)
- travis: update pip (fixes CI) #2422 (obfusk)
- update openssl #2421 (obfusk)
- Avoids build error for opencv and bumps version to 4.5.1 #2419 (thescheff)
- strip null bytes in call to androidembed.log() #2416 (obfusk)
- webview: put webview_includes in assets dir #2412 (obfusk)
- update setuptools #2409 (obfusk)
- update sqlite3 #2408 (obfusk)
- Update quickstart.rst macOS brew cask command #2407 (yestoday-tv)
- Added ability to set input type on android #2405 (dwmoffatt)
- PyZQM recipe needs setuptools, list it explicitly in deps #2404 (rambo)
- recipes: print recipe ENV on failure #2403 (mzakharo)
- recipes: scipy - fix build for armeabi-v7a #2402 (mzakharo)
- don't run git pull when not on a branch #2400 (obfusk)
- Fix Pymunk crash on older versions of Android #2399 (viblo)
- Recipe for argon2-cffi #2398 (Arjun-Somvanshi)
- update sqlite3 to 3.34.0 #2397 (obfusk)
- update openssl to 1.1.1i #2396 (obfusk)
- support Python 3.9 #2394 (obfusk)
- reproducible builds #2390 (obfusk)
- Update Pymunk recipe to 6.0.0 #2389 (viblo)
- webview: add mOpenExternalLinksInBrowser field #2387 (obfusk)
- webview: add enableZoom() method #2386 (obfusk)
- Enable AndroidX #2385 (RobertFlatt)
- ⬆️ Updates to Kivy2 #2384 (kuzeyron)
- fix travis #2383 (obfusk)
- 🐛 Fixes pip command on Travis and bumps actions/setup-python #2382 (AndreMiras)
- docs: fix simple typo, pacakged -> packaged #2377 (timgates42)
- Fix master only merges #2376 (inclement)
- Audiostream Fix #2375 (xloem)
- Add service information for buildozer.spec #2372 (xloem)
- recipes: add scipy support #2370 (mzakharo)
- fix CI #2368 (obfusk)
- support activity_launch_mode in webview bootstrap #2367 (obfusk)
- Support running tests on any arch #2355 (jayvdb)
- setup.py: Fix dependency syntax #2354 (jayvdb)
- added missing digest support to recipes #2351 (fuzzyTew)
- android: call non-static methods on .mActivity #2341 (obfusk)
- fix webview jni #2340 (obfusk)
- missing mActivity #2339 (zworkb)
- added few input parameters to make possible to use custom java classes and tweak AndroidManifest.xml #2338 (vesellov)
- ffmpeg and ffpyplayer improvements #2335 (rnixx)
- Add recipe for https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/ #2332 (rambo)
- Update __init__.py for Report Lab recipe #2323 (marcets)
- Print patched message to stderr #2314 (rambo)
- Call cython via the setuptools entrypoint, fixes #2311 #2312 (rambo)
- Allow using background color with lottie splashscreen #2305 (tshirtman)
- Add manifestPlaceholders #2301 (misl6)
- Allow using lottie files for splashscreen (SDL2 bootstrap) #2296 (tshirtman)
- use https download for boost & zope #2293 (obfusk)
- (host)python3: rm version check for pyconfig patch #2292 (obfusk)
- download_file: show error + exponential sleep #2291 (obfusk)
- remove cruft from webview_includes/_load.html #2289 (obfusk)
- tiny whitespace fix in buildoptions.rst #2288 (obfusk)
- update libffi to 3.3 #2287 (obfusk)
- update openssl to 1.1.1g #2286 (obfusk)
- update pyjnius to 1.3.0 #2285 (obfusk)
- update setuptools to 49.2.1 #2284 (obfusk)
- update six to 1.15.0 #2283 (obfusk)
- update flask to 1.1.2 #2282 (obfusk)
- update python3 & hostpython3 to 3.8.5 #2281 (obfusk)
- update sqlite3 to 3.32.3 #2280 (obfusk)
- fix travis #2279 (obfusk)
should not havem
suffix #2278 (davidhewitt)- add recipe for libpcre #2276 (obfusk)
- build python3 with loadable-sqlite-extensions #2275 (obfusk)
- fix indentation #2273 (obfusk)
- LogFile: rename .buffer (to fix newer flask/click) #2264 (obfusk)
- Add Recipe for Kivy3 module #2263 (excepterror)
- ✨ Rework of Pillow recipe adding WebP support #2256 (opacam)
- ✨ Add libwebp recipe #2255 (opacam)
- added --activity-class-name and --activity-package parameters #2248 (vesellov)
- Fix runtime psycopg2 error #2246 (Progdrasil)
- Bump libpq version #2245 (Progdrasil)
- Support for native services #2244 (lerela)
- Added missing semicolon on service-only bootstrap #2236 (Swpolo)
- 💚 Fixes Travis build post OpenJDK bump #2235 (AndreMiras)
- Updated gradle plugin version #2234 (shashi278)
- 🐛 Fixes service_only and webview symbol errors, closes #2228 #2233 (AndreMiras)
- 🍱 Add CHANGELOG.md #2232 (opacam)
- ⬆️ Bumps to OpenJDK 13 #2231 (AndreMiras)
- Fixed KeyError not found #2229 (sak96)
- 🚨 Depreciation warning fixes #2227 (AndreMiras)
- Master #2226 (AndreMiras)
- Add possibility to add a backup rules xml file #2208 (tcdude)