Security fixes
- Linux (CVE-2021-3491, CVE-2021-31440, CVE-2021-31829)
- dbus (CVE-2020-35512)
- Go (CVE-2021-31525)
- nvidia-drivers (CVE-2021-1052, CVE-2021-1053, CVE-2021-1056, CVE-2021-1076, CVE-2021-1077)
- runc (CVE-2021-30465)
- Rust (CVE-2020-36323, CVE-2021-28876, CVE-2021-28877, CVE-2021-28878, CVE-2021-28879, CVE-2021-31162)
Bug fixes
- systemd-networkd: Do not manage loopback network interface (bootengine#24 init#40)
- flatcar-install: Detect device mapper (e.g., LVM/LUKS) usage when searching for free drives with the -s flag (Flatcar#332)
- flatcar-install: Add -D flag to only download the image file (Flatcar#248)
- SDK: Drop jobs parameter in flatcar-scripts (flatcar-scripts#121)
- Linux (5.10.37)
- dbus (1.10.32)
- nvidia-drivers (460.73.01)
- SDK: cmake (3.18.5)
- SDK: Go (1.16.4)
- SDK: Rust (1.52.1)
Note: Please note that ARM images remain experimental for now.