github khanhduytran0/LiveContainer 3.3.0

22 hours ago

This update includes several compatibility and bug fixes, as well as new features such as JITStreamer-EB support and the ability to install from URLs and share sheets. Additionally, we have changed some confusing text.


Due to a change of LiveContainer's entitlement and a bug with SideStore/AltStore, SideStore 0.6.0+ / AltStore 2.0+ is required to install LiveContainer 3.3.0

New Features

Install from URL / Share Sheet

You can now install apps directly from a URL by using the plus button on the "My Apps" page or by using an install URL like livecontainer://install?url=xxxxxxx. Additionally, you can share an IPA file directly from other apps via the share sheet. (Please note that iOS may hide LiveContainer in the "More" section—simply tap "More" and scroll down to find it.)

Share File to Guest Apps

Files can now be shared to guest apps when they are running through the share sheet.

Implement #320

JITStreamer-EB Support

JITStreamer-EB is now available in LiveContainer. To use it:

  • Set it up first in JITStreamer-EB's website
  • Go to LiveContainer settings->JIT Enabler->Select JITStreamer-EB. You can leave the "Address" blank if you are using official server and it's default to http://[fd00::]:9172.
  • Long press the app that needs JIT->Settings->enable Launch with JIT->Tap Run, LiveContainer will contact the server and enable JIT for that app.


JIT is broken in iOS 18.4 Beta 1, please avoid this version.

"Entitlement File" Section in JITLess Diagnose

The "Entitlement File" section is now available in the JITLess Diagnose page, making it easier and more accurate to diagnose issues with your JITLess setup.

Personal Certificate Support (Untestsed)

LiveContainer can now be used without SideStore/AltStore if you import the certificate used to sign it. Please note that for LiveContainer to work correctly, some changes must be made to the bundle and entitlement:

  • The bundle ID must match the one in the .mobileprovision file without a prefix.
  • LiveContainer must be signed with the get-task-allow=true entitlement, meaning Enterprise certificates will not work.
  • To use the keychain separation feature, LiveContainer must be signed with the correct entitlement. Please refer to entitlements.xml for the required keychain access groups.

You can check these criteria in Settings->JITLess Diagnose->Entitlement File. All items except should be green.

Implement #54 #64 #231

Up to 128 Containers Per App

With the release of SideStore 0.6.0, which fixes the entitlement issue with Keychain Access Groups, you can now create up to 128 containers for each app. Each container created in version 3.3.0 will be assigned a random Keychain Access Group to prevent crashes caused by Keychain Access Group collisions.

Hide LiveContainer

To bypass some app's injection detection, 3 following options are added to app-specific settings.

  • Hide LiveContainer from Dyld Api
  • Don't Inject TweakLoader
  • Don't Load TweakLoader

For most apps, enabling the first two options should be sufficient to bypass injection detection. However, please note that if TweakLoader is not loaded, some features (like app fast switching) may not be available.

Fix #146 #338

Archive Option when Installing 2nd LiveContainer

You can now archive the second LiveContainer instead of installing it directly, allowing you to customize it as needed.

URL to Launch to LiveContainer's UI

You can now use livecontainer://livecontainer-launch?bundle-name=uito launch to LiveContainer's UI

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #314: Frameworks in the tweaks folder are now signed and injected correctly.
  • Fix #318: Resolved an issue in fishhook that caused crashes when handling invalid symtab_index.
  • Fix #332: Fixed a dyld issue where the wrong image was being used when dyld functions were hooked.
  • Fix #329: Insert LC_ID_DYLIB load command to resolve segment-related issues.
  • Fix #358 #374: Dopamine's dyld patch is taken into account when bypassing dyld library validation.
  • Fix #381: LiveContainer can correctly close itself when it is hidden.
  • Fix #384: All settings are correctly copied when replacing app.
  • Fixed UI issues when the "Button Shape" accessibility setting was enabled.
  • Improved some previously confusing or misleading text.

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