github spicetify/cli v0.2.0

latest releases: v2.39.5, v2.39.4, v2.39.3...
6 years ago


  • Additional options:
    Allow access to Experimental Features of Spotify. Open it in profile menu (top right corner).

    Allow change account immediately. Open it in profile menu.

    Enable Home page. Access it in left sidebar.

    Force Lyrics button to show all the time in player bar.
    Useful for who want to watch visualization page.

    Force displaying all of lyrics.

    Enable Made For You page. Access it in left sidebar.

    Enable Radio page. Access it in left sidebar.

    Clicks at song name in player bar will access that song page
    (instead of its album page) to discover playlists it appearing on.

    Force Visualization in Lyrics app to render in 60fps.

Enable them in config file and run spicetify apply again.

  • Watch mode: detect change in user.css and color.ini of your theme and automatically update. Run spicetify watch.
    You can also update manually by running spicetify update.
    Remember to reload your Spotify client to receive visual update.


  • MacOS: Spicetify storage folder path: ~/.spicetify -> ~/spicetify_data
    And user do not need to run commands with sudo anymore
    Because of this change, MacOS user please run spicetify restore before update to this version, manually delete ~/.spicetify folder. Then update spicetify and run backup, apply again.

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