github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.7.0-beta2

latest releases: v1.18.0-beta34, v1.17.16, v1.18.0-beta33...
4 years ago

Dependency Bumps

  • solo-io/protoc-gen-ext has been upgraded to v0.0.14.

New Features

  • Gloo Edge now proactively reports warnings on virtual services that have matchers that are short-circuited.
    To enable, update the Gloo Settings such that spec.gateway.validation.warnRouteShortCircuiting=true
    The cases now additionally covered are:
    • routes that have simple OR regex header matchers, ensuring each one of the OR'ed matchers can be reached
    • the same logic, but with method matchers
      In addition, we support aggressively reporting errors on virtual services with invalid regex matchers. (no need
      to enable short-circuiting reporting) (#3334)
  • Possibility to configure custom auth server to retrieve request body as bytes (Support Envoys packAsBytes) (#3937)


  • Switching CSRF mode from enabled to shadow mode does not apply default enabled value to filter. (#4053)

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