github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.5.0-beta21

latest releases: v2.0.0-main, v2.0.0-beta1, v0.0.0-main...
4 years ago

Helm Changes

  • Removes ratelimit from default values template, which should prevent ratelimit warnings on gloo installation. (#3467)

New Features

  • Add AWS lambda function discovery using EKS Service Account credentials. (#3559)
  • Add route table delegation selector expressions. (#3586)
  • Added support for query parameter matchers, header matchers, and method matchers to the route table delegation API. Delegated routes must still use the prefix matcher, but now they can also leverage the aforementioned matchers so long as the delegated route's matchers are a superset of the parent route's matchers. (#3327)


  • Handle an edge case where the gateway does not publish the status for its resources. (#3592)
  • Allow changing a label value for ingress proxy to enable multiple ingress proxy instances in the same cluster. (#3587)
  • Fix opentracing causing envoy failure. Adds type-checking for all envoy go-control-plane data structures. (#3496)
  • Added a prometheus metric to the gateway pod that indicates whether the validating admission webhook determined that the config was valid. (#3408)

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