github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.17.3

latest releases: v1.18.0-beta34, v1.17.16, v1.18.0-beta33...
5 months ago

Helm Changes

  • Add a new field global.securitySettings.floatingUserId to the Gloo Helm chart that when set to true has the same effect as setting floatingUserId=true for all deployment-specific floatingUserIds, as well as setting discovery.deployment.enablePodSecurityContext=false and gatewayProxies.gatewayProxy.podTemplate.enablePodSecurityContext=false`to allow for easy OpenShift deployment. The global value will override any local settings. (#5034)


  • Provide a Helm field global.securitySettings.floatingUserId to apply floatingUserId logic, which unsets runAsUser for security contexts, for all deployments in the Gloo Helm chart. The global field will also cause templates to be rendered as if deployments with "enablePodSecurityContextfields have their value set tofalseto allow for easy OpenShift deployment. This functionality has also been added to Gloo Gateway via the GatewayParameters resource. IffloatingUserId` is set in GatewayParameters, it will be applied to all deployments in the Gloo Gateway Helm chart, unless a deployment-specific value is set. (#5034)

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