github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.17.0-rc11

latest releases: v2.0.0-main, v2.0.0-beta1, v0.0.0-main...
8 months ago


  • Use kube builder instead of skv2 for faster and easier codegen for GGv2 CRDs. (
  • Optimizes the glooctl check command by reducing the time taken to check resources by almost half in large environments consisting of over 500 namespaces (#9673)
  • Infer the gloo deployment name in cases where the deployment name is not the default gloo. The gloo deployment is identified by the gloo=gloo label. (#9163)
  • Fix a bug where the service and function names of a discovered gRPC service are not printed when running glooctl get upstreams (#9644)

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