github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.12.0-beta25

latest releases: v2.0.0-main, v2.0.0-beta1, v0.0.0-main...
2 years ago

Dependency Bumps

  • solo-io/protoc-gen-openapi has been upgraded to v0.1.0.
  • solo-io/solo-kit has been upgraded to v0.29.1.

New Features

  • Expose Allow TLS Renegotiation in the Upstream SSL config (#6621)
  • Expose more http1 and http2 envoy configurations to the end user (#6466)
  • Expose a new Gateway option, in the Settings API: isolate_virtual_hosts_by_ssl_config. If set, group virtual hosts by matching ssl config, and isolate them on separate filter chains The default behavior is to aggregate all virtual hosts, and expose them on identical filter chains, each with a FilterChainMatch that corresponds to the ssl config. Individual Gateways can override this behavior by configuring the "" annotation to be a truthy ("true", "false") value (#2534)

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