github kgateway-dev/kgateway v1.10.20

latest releases: v1.18.0-beta34, v1.17.16, v1.18.0-beta33...
2 years ago

Dependency Bumps

  • containerd/containerd has been upgraded to v1.4.13.

Helm Changes

  • Allow users to disable the default gateways, which can be helpful for users who configure the validation webhook to strict failures (i.e. gloo.gateway.validation.failurePolicy: Fail) so validation works on installation and upgrades. Once the gateway pod is running and healthy, the user can then apply the default gateways. (#4468)


  • Correct syntax of empty Subjects array in helm when discovery is disabled (#5866)
  • Amends translation for routes which specify direct response and redirect actions, so that provided config is always processed for all route plugins. (#5917)

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