github kevinschaich/mintable 1.1.0
Logging Improvements

latest releases: 2.0.3, 2.0.2, 2.0.1...
5 years ago

This release is a refactor to make logging easier and more consistent.

Instead of the old logging format:

Using config /home/travis/build/kevinschaich/mintable/mintable.config.json...
Fetching Account Balances...
Fetching Transactions...
Success! Fetched current sheets.
Success! 2019.04!A:G cleared.
Success! 2019.03!A:G cleared.
Success! 94 cells updated.
Success! 790 cells updated.
Success! 1951421725 sheet formatted.
Success! 1056284638 sheet formatted.
Success! 1951421725 columns resized.
Success! 1056284638 columns resized.
Done in 3.72s.

Now it will look much nicer & more consistent:

Using config /Users/kschaich/mintable/mintable.config.json.

  ✔ Fetching current config
  ✔ Fetching balance for account CHASE
  ✔ Fetching balance for account AMEX
  ✔ Fetching balance for account DISCOVER
  ✔ Fetching balances for accounts
  ✔ Fetching transactions for account CHASE
  ✔ Fetching transactions for account AMEX
  ✔ Fetching transactions for account DISCOVER
  ✔ Fetching transactions for accounts
  ✔ Fetching sheets for spreadsheet ID 1EJCWpP9rU5T0b5iXG7_UBdpFd8wBdZdxsucchJpR59k
  ✔ Clearing range 2019.04!A:G
  ✔ Clearing range 2019.03!A:G
  ✔ Updating cell ranges
  ✔ Updating cell ranges
  ✔ Formatting sheet 729699241
  ✔ Formatting sheet 4568723
  ✔ Resizing columns for sheet 729699241
  ✔ Resizing columns for sheet 4568723

View your spreadsheet at

✨  Done in 21.33s.

Promises and failures are also handled in a more consistent way, and JSON requests and responses from Express are more consistent.

Fixes #22

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