github keton/pacific-drive-uevr v0.4.1

latest release: v0.4.2
10 months ago

Pacific Drive UEVR profile

Import to UEVR using dedicated function in UEVR Injector.

Alternatively unpack it to %APPDATA%\UnrealVRMod\PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping (you may need to create UnrealVRMod and PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping)

You need UEVR nightly from this link:
More recent versions might work. I don't accept bug reports unless they are reproducible on recommended version.

Uses right motion controller for camera and held items

  • If you want to play with gamepad or mouse, open UEVR menu, go to 'Input' and set 'Aim Method' box to 'Game'.
    In car camera fix and hand bound items are not active in this mode
  • If you want to use left controller, open UEVR menu, go to 'Input' and set 'Aim Method' box to 'Left Controller'

In case your new aim method does not stick close the game and inject again.

New inventory access method:

  • to access inventory short press (<200ms) system menu button (i.e. left oculus button on quest)
  • to access save/load/quit menu long press system menu button (200-1200ms)
  • to access long press of 'select' (radio transmissions, journal links, quest list collapse) keep holding system menu button longer than 1200ms. The in game marker will start to fill and once it's full menu will trigger.

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