👉 Changelog
Full Changelog: v0.21.4...v0.21.5
🚀 Enhancements
- core: Add default options for HttpClient (#7650)
🩹 Fixes
- ui: Plugins TOC is now handling every type of plugins (278289a0c)
- ui: Styling enhancements for plugin doc (e4c7c0f10)
- core: Render list (d84d66005)
- core: Properly render list properties (4abbc4cbc)
- ui: Replace alert blocks upon markdown rendering to display them properly (9774d46d8)
- core: Validation error when timeWindow.type is null (c004ba1a6)
- core: MultipleCondition documentation (1dc8401a0)
- make subflow not found a warning instead of an error (#7649) (YannC)
- recoverMissedSchedules behavior on long running executions (#7617) (YannC)
- avoid crash on injectDefault (YannC)
💅 Refactors
- ui: Remove obsolete
library (#7529)
📦 Build
- deps: Bump io.micronaut.platform:micronaut-platform (527c13dec)
🏡 Chore
- Update the CHANGELOG.MD with details for 0.21.4 (07329555c)
- ui: Amend item labels in left menu (#7590)
- ui: Make sure chart stacks are following the same order every time (#7664)
- deps: upgrade Micronaut core to 4.7.15 (Loïc Mathieu)
- deps: bump ui-libs to 0.0.151 (brian.mulier)
- deps: upgrade ui-libs version to v0.0.153 (YannC)
- deps: upgrade ui-libs version to v0.0.154 (YannC)
- deps: upgrade ui-libs version to v0.0.154 (MilosPaunovic)
- 09d5b2f: Feat/npe on runcontext cleanup (#7585) (Nicolas K.)
- b7259cc: feat(#7636): add default options for HttpClient (#7650) (Nicolas K.)
- webserver: merging (nKwiatkowski)
- version: Update to version 'v0.21.5' (df5d13467)
❤️ Contributors
- Mathieu Gabelle mgabelle@kestra.io
- NKwiatkowski nkwiatkowski@kestra.io
- YannC (@Skraye)
- Loïc Mathieu (@loicmathieu)
- Brian.mulier (@brian-mulier-p)
- MilosPaunovic (@MilosPaunovic)