2.4.0 (2024-11-11)
- lifecycle-operator: The Lifecycle Operator helm chart was adapted after removal of the Keptn Scheduler and many Helm values were simplified, please double check your values files and adapt them accordingly.
- The Keptn Scheduler was removed and therefore support for Kubernetes 1.26 and lower was dropped.
- remove Keptn scheduler (#3821)
Bug Fixes
- bump helm chart versions (#3857) (1873178)
- polish helm charts (#3853) (17fa47b)
- release cert-manager 3.0.0 (#3819) (f3aac6a)
- release deno-runtime 3.0.1 (#3833) (a4a99dc)
- release lifecycle-operator 2.0.0 (#3818) (3c671ee)
- release metrics-operator 2.0.0 (#3820) (8247c33)
- release python-runtime 1.0.7 (#3822) (1bbde40)
- release python-runtime 1.0.8 (#3845) (96a0a27)
- remove Keptn scheduler (#3821) (de3a0e7)
Dependency Updates
- bump mockserver to v5.15.0 (#3825) (5be9abe)
- lifecycle-operator: bump python and deno runtime images (#3852) (140498b)
- update anchore/sbom-action action to v0.17.7 (#3839) (80882e1)
- update check-spelling/check-spelling action to v0.0.24 (#3827) (9de9e44)
- update dependency pymdown-extensions to v10.12 (#3831) (3dc5d8b)
- update github actions (patch) (#3817) (5a09dfa)
- update squidfunk/mkdocs-material to v9.5.43 (patch) (#3830) (06abb69)
- update squidfunk/mkdocs-material to v9.5.44 (patch) (#3841) (bcd369b)