github kepano/obsidian-minimal 2.0.0

latest releases: 7.7.4, 7.7.3, 7.7.2...
3 years ago

Minimal 2 is here. This is a really big release! Check out a quick video overview of the new features:

Major changes

  • Minimal Theme no longer hides core Obsidian UI features. My new Hider plugin takes on these responsibilities with the ability to toggle features including app ribbon, status, titlebar, tooltips and scrollbars.
  • Minimal now has a companion plugin called Minimal Theme Settings that you should install to get full capabilities.

Installing Minimal 2

To get the best experience I recommend installing all three of the latest versions:

  • Minimal Theme, available in community themes
  • Minimal Theme Settings, available in third-party plugins
  • Hider plugin, available in third-party plugins

Options available with the plugin

Read more on the plugin page.

  • Five variations on the theme with differing levels of contrast can be toggled in the plugin settings
  • Customize accent color
  • Choose your editor font, from system fonts or iA Writer fonts

More small changes to the core theme

  • Improved modals and Obsidian settings panel
  • Consistency improvements between Edit and Preview mode
  • Improvements to highlighting for internal search and block references

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