github kenesu-h/sys-hidplus-client-rs 1.1.0-alpha.4
GUI and Anarchy Mode support. (1.1.0-alpha.4)

latest release: 1.1.0-alpha.5
pre-release2 years ago

Released: 9/11/2021

This release adds a GUI and anarchy mode support, so now users don't have to use the antiquated command line interface. It still, however, exists for those who want to test the performance difference between it and the GUI, or if you like it better. You can check out the instructions for it at the Installation & Usage page. Anarchy mode can be toggled through the GUI as well.

Watch out for an increased amount of input delay while using the GUI and anarchy mode. You may not encounter any (Kemosahbee and I haven't), but anything could happen.

NOTE: If you have used my client before, you're gonna have to delete your config.toml and set your Switch's IP again.

Here's a few preview images to give you an idea of how the GUI looks:

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