github kellyjonbrazil/jc v1.22.3
JC version 1.22.3

latest releases: v1.25.3, v1.25.2, v1.25.1...
19 months ago
  • Add Common Log Format and Combined Log Format file parser (standard and streaming)
  • Add PostgreSQL password file parser
  • Add openvpn-status.log file parser
  • Add cbt command parser (Google Big Table)
  • Enhance ifconfig parser with interface lane information on BSD
  • Enhance ifconfig parser with additional IPv6 scope_id info for BSD
  • Fix ifconfig parser to capture some IPv6 addresses missed on BSD
  • Fix git-log and git-log-s parsers for failure on empty author name
  • Update os-prober parser with split EFI partition fields
  • Add ISO string attribute (.iso) to jc.utils.timestamp()
  • Fix several documentation typos

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