github keep-network/keep-core v1.3.0
Client: 1.3.0 (Mainnet)

Note: Henceforth release notes and version tags for Solidity contracts, token dashboard, and client will be managed separately. Solidity contract releases will have a tag prefix of solidity/, KEEP token dashboard releases will have a tag prefix of token-dashboard/, and client releases will have no tag prefix.

v1.3.0 is the latest release of the Keep core client, which primarily drives the Keep random beacon. The most important client changes since 1.2.0 are:

  • A new metrics module that allows monitoring the number of connected peers, bootstrap peers, and the health of the Ethereum client connection over HTTP at endpoint /metrics. More details on enabling this are available in the sample configuration file.
  • A new diagnostics module that exposes diagnostic information (including a full list of connected peers and information about a client's network id and operator address) over HTTP at endpoint /diagnostics. More details on enabling this are available in the sample configuration file.
  • A major upgrade to the libp2p library. Note that v1.3.0 is not mutually compatible with the previous client version.
  • A bug fix to the DKG reconstruction phase that could allow invalid group keys to be produced in certain cases.
  • General improvements to reduce the number of calls to the Ethereum client.
  • Implementation of an Ethereum client call rate limiter, to help reduce instances where remote clients are forced to rate limit the Keep client.
  • Finally, thanks to @alphastorm, a move to Alpine as the Docker container runtime that reduces our Docker image size by ~90%, an order of magnitude improvement 🎉

Don't forget to update your configurations to point to the latest TokenStaking and KeepRandomBeacon contracts and bootstraps! See the mainnet run docs for details.

In addition to the information above, we're providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The Docker Hub image hash.
  • The release commit hash.

Both hashes are signed by the deployment team, verifiable on Keybase. Our Keybase usernames are all associated with the Keep organization and with our GitHub usernames.

Docker image is available as docker pull keepnetwork/keep-client:v1.3.0; sha256sum is sha256:8e4f82dddb3e47a225825e6ed99339a0b484cbb89dde69e0d59f7c43eef10aba.

Signatures of sha256sum from the deployment team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @Shadowfiend:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkAA9fdX h3PR4kiSBsxaoE3 9WyxA9pNLCah0b4 uFaShwCkPQbKs2p TuyMW5tXDxUTIrk MqSJzoS1VykS5KL luZRYAGJpQWrIqX dNiN72zkuVjQL60 dL3xQ93BvW9eOig oVH5xBQ9etB3kSU DD1BGUlb3SG7rrl PNej9ltRU0r0Zco aXWaqJd4JaPrQZZ 1EXOHCtjgQChsST ikXvJNpHsZD5D5b 2cGlimqNb8LxFqH kR91EPGdCSIfmMr SL. END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKUP1mo cBOwsMO2Zoy9oS4 RuaO1bwgSUG4cNZ RnlK7jKb7in2XKT qNBEYwZhAVsIRRb ASG3B26Wrjc9piF Fss4ebXKeagWzPA qIjX8sEVeboBns2 4kvqxPBXnpypvuM 3MR4HMMm0SBdq56 bp5wP4BOIwhXwxX xJwygc5rgWrr3vd fNKEUTt7JS2UCCA e3xx7CtjgQChsST ikXvJNpHsZD5D5b 2cGlimqNb8LxFqH kR91EPGdCSIfmMr SL. END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATmHTSK nRupUUBqxAwGPjq t4y4YnjRly7GejR QCWgU8Myzum4ouP 9qIqzUjR6icmTDT SbMOeZboaak3Ar5 XQfESsyEogWhZ8e H4aBP9Fkm6ZVDz4 MIKg1DKVZYowJJ1 AksnmqSA2qslBkE VdO8PBtzJQBgEcs 6ddDANTj6yhBhzk P6GKMNeDPzvpt1Z GJp652DGkp4wCbj 2huPd0nJJ9l. END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Commit hash for clean builds is b2eb62592058518bcd15a3e3510487a5118c5a61.

Signatures of commit hash from the deployment team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @pdyraga:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKUP1mo cBOwsMO2Zoy9oS4 RuaO1bwgSUG4cNZ RnlK7jKb7j1rewf 1u1642ekMW8UvhZ zdY2sfeWRQSSUBt qMHE4FaneqG15qt 2HEf22oWk0RzmPk rCGQ8uPWQI2XGwQ tZhISwpttYhgHp6 pLqKYbnFawLnLDM SM2QjnaX5K7h7VG 4iQfGqR7FXkBSp6 FPowt0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @Shadowfiend:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkAA9fdX h3PR4kiSBsxaoE3 9WyxA9pNLCah0b4 uFaShwCkPR4Q2u2 8kNG2ryexPRuVwV o0UlGqKJGQiBV8L RqsWOWnzwv2VPLB J0YAnIMGP3At174 wGEmZd8lByHldSj 2CXrxiDGNtq3tzS Q3anBGmbJ3VIz5K WppIFm4HLAwi526 SaK8KmDOV9xmGGF TzLil0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATJIUuA LGx7sICQVY1wVek 98hogs9oU5poYGj pMEfXXmILM1C3Jj xgLgufbGjrLl9U6 VG0SIr7lBRslLJD PGxrbNOIiN2SQvF pvWdMF5Zb1CcBnR a1YdlEdqpQK5o0E CC0Ec3hr6WK1y6D Wv3fX0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into the 1.3.0 milestone across contracts, token dashboard, and client, can be found in the corresponding 1.3.0 milestone.

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