github keep-network/keep-core token-dashboard/v1.9.0
Token Dashboard: 1.9.0 (Mainnet)

latest releases: v2.1.0, v2.0.1, v2.0.0...
3 years ago

token-dashboard/v1.9.0 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. The token dashboard changes since v1.8.1 are:

  • Improved APY calculations for the Saddle pool by reading the allocated rewards straight from the contract.
  • Updated web3 dependency to v1.3.3 which is a hot fix to address breaking changes in MetaMask API introduced in MetaMask v9.0.0.

In addition to the information above, we're providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The release commit hash.
  • The Docker Hub image hash.

The release commit hash is signed by the development team, verifiable on Keybase. Our Keybase usernames are all associated with the Keep organization and with our GitHub usernames. The Docker image hash for the token dashboard is not additionally signed; if you are concerned about its provenance, the release commit hash can be used to produce a local docker or standalone build of the dApp.

Commit hash for clean builds is fd41a60b76a4e87769907fac36199f96cfc6ee4d.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @r-czajkowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKYlB2X GFJeY9xtCM7xvtw JiHcqkwrXPjpQeO OPKKjvWVoShFgnz Wcq8YYYbN415AAN UKvV5vBJgZqyVCL os0YBTbPGqzNCHf W0SzlNvj3qLyDEy t1VvhxTmvQbrLDE s1eGLKm7sh7nbmf R89bMbWd7N8t0KA qFTy6aMo39o4c9U vk28N1kHGLAUtbN dqQUA0oX2GRcm5n A3Kqi0YWbiKnr0O . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @michalsmiarowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dBF2E4g jmEv96dKrmUYPdV bpzEGPSHZBaeQED Vg2tzTX2P258Xbj xtldIznA6eyPYNV rpxsDsSvP5e86Da uay7JjT57G06zQb bvom1e0uNbCazPv NlzSO9PEuLUEevw dW4sEpmo0JppZin 8HINq0oX2GRcm5n A3Kqi0YWbiKnr0O . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Docker image is available as docker pull keepnetwork/token-dashboard:v1.9.0; sha256sum is sha256:9103c4ea770dd8515eb6164b719c1992ad95bcd2043c96782c59208a2d26f30a.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into this version can be found in the corresponding token-dashboard/1.9.0 milestone.

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