github keep-network/keep-core token-dashboard/v1.15.2
Token Dashboard: 1.15.2 (Mainnet)

token-dashboard/v1.15.2 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. This release is a hotfix for properly executing the withdrawal transactions from KEEP-only pool.

In addition to the information above, we're providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The release commit hash.
  • The Docker Hub image hash.

The release commit hash is signed by the development team, verifiable on Keybase. Our Keybase usernames are all associated with the Keep organization and with our GitHub usernames. The Docker image hash for the token dashboard is not additionally signed; if you are concerned about its provenance, the release commit hash can be used to produce a local docker or standalone build of the dApp.

Commit hash for clean builds is dd0a06d384d585bbe31af88a55c4ededf1655594.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @michalsmiarowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dBsI36o cQIi5T6a0gXou8Z aMJYVUokjRsLxSZ xPgEdxwly53UOyf v7sCqNMVEKFZz1p y95RqycgUmodiWO ChLHhX2qrYHG5AT 6Wqwk5Anuw8vDbt KeNsYPGc8yTueFB i9NS5Q6w7TI0AAL LHaSu0TFmUsN9so f12A5goxUYj3IUm . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @r-czajkowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKYlB2X GFJeY9xtCM7xvtw JiHcqkwrXPjpQeO OPKKjvWVoSvTIlz PrRU8NmY7BtK8if QD15QqcBWfb7mnm QROyxUqIP5wyCTC iLxLZy1OBf4bc8j t19SIVulMryWyOO 97Ba1cK6SG39BuW 6gUihNDtoLHAcTk 80tX7wxUbx6DIPl 34vmXcPdXmxicwQ 6yJXk0TFmUsN9so f12A5goxUYj3IUm . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Docker image is available as docker pull keepnetwork/token-dashboard:v1.15.2; sha256sum is sha256:0c452b0ae16276c83f3358dbc790a1ec458437e14516c9b0000177cbbc6696b8.

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