github keep-network/keep-core token-dashboard/v1.13.0
Token Dashboard: 1.13.0 (Mainnet)

token-dashboard/v1.13.0 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. The most important changes since v1.12.1 are:

  • Implemented Explorer mode - support for viewing the KEEP Token Dashboard without needing to connect via wallet.
  • Fixed KEEP-only pool multiplier formula and format. Now multiplier runs from 1x to 3x. Before a wallet is connected, dashboard displays the minimal multiplier.
  • Improved the top-up UI flow. Made clearer in the UI that there's a 12-hour delay before a top-up can be committed. Made it clearer in the UI that a top-up cannot be canceled.
  • Updated Keep Random Beacon Applications page information. Disabled authorize button for Keep Random Beacon operator contract and added a tooltip indicating the operator contract is disabled due to the geth hardfork that occurred on 11 November 2020.
  • Added support for showing a tooltip that displays the full number for all abbreviated numbers.
  • Fixed displaying the correct amount of the Keep Random Beacon rewards.
  • Fixed displaying a paid back delegations. The paid-back delegations from StakingPortBacker contract should be
    displayed as delegations from liquid tokens.

In addition to the information above, we're providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The release commit hash.
  • The Docker Hub image hash.

The release commit hash is signed by the development team, verifiable on Keybase. Our Keybase usernames are all associated with the Keep organization and with our GitHub usernames. The Docker image hash for the token dashboard is not additionally signed; if you are concerned about its provenance, the release commit hash can be used to produce a local docker or standalone build of the dApp.

Commit hash for clean builds is 42784dea8dfd60fbbbc24ef96f36acf6bbc5e103.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @michalsmiarowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dCLUoEI 9sWNfbihJWv3p7x wsCohzv6mHrjjFM YUQX9YhRJep0Jz7 j0yU5lIB8GoiIuj rJdO8lkSEfyB66A GJfM6hucOpONQf5 RnNz1zJkhjAQB0y 5Rnckc9y8jI1BXq tcP8OZIAhzRTuNj iDdQ50r2c52kS4Z BKKM2eb8hTZKri7 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @r-czajkowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKYlB2X GFJeY9xtCM7xvtw JiHcqkwrXPjpQeO OPKKjvWVoSbZobG 3AJO6qcpZ6lJ5O0 XmSO7lo0ldw4T4u hzwYQrcZv8yYvRD LpQfR9tF3BUhr2S JN6FDByOLKwHqx9 tTSakgLNHEM9wsd guvDQEF1Fevjjww h3dW7VNY3XnuufT nCyeeTDAnpX0wFH tlsWr0r2c52kS4Z BKKM2eb8hTZKri7 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Docker image is available as docker pull keepnetwork/token-dashboard:v1.13.0; sha256sum is sha256:14db9f60fc9186caaa395230cafd689f407ed83f8b1955be9f6f9594769e1ff5.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into this version can be found in the corresponding token-dashboard/v1.13.0 milestone.

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