github keep-network/keep-core token-dashboard/v1.11.0
Token Dashboard: 1.11.0 (Mainnet)

token-dashboard/v1.11.0 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. The most important changes since v1.10.2 are:

  • Updated KEEP-TBTC liquidity pool staking information. Disabled deposit button since the incentives for KEEP-TBTC have been removed. Users are still able to withdraw allocated rewards and deposited liquidity tokens from the pool.
  • Added support for displaying staker tBTC rewards from the owner, grantee, and operator account.
  • Improved user experience when performing stake top-up: moved the top-ups table to the top and added a notification when a top-up is ready to be committed.
  • Improved staking experience: changed the order of liquid and granted tokens displayed, removed unneeded available token bar, added tooltip about minimum stake change, fixed number formatting in inputs.
  • Fixed a bug in some cases causing incorrect KEEP tokens balance displayed after delegation.
  • Added link to release notes from the dashboard version number.

In addition to the information above, we're providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The release commit hash.
  • The Docker Hub image hash.

The release commit hash is signed by the development team, verifiable on Keybase. Our Keybase usernames are all associated with the Keep organization and with our GitHub usernames. The Docker image hash for the token dashboard is not additionally signed; if you are concerned about its provenance, the release commit hash can be used to produce a local docker or standalone build of the dApp.

Commit hash for clean builds is b677baa6d63c6a1f6290b9dc085d34f7dfa599d1.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @michalsmiarowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dBMFcO5 u3U0HyTwlerFdnt TkQaY7n0wEYqXfC ZPGqB2LUOBB1xIV MWf1KyzliHTqqgk 0lwRBbTMdw7Uqvw v9oECX2tuYsYuLX Gx11THlZQjlwW3J YoePItd5VXydrpI V4L59TZwrB0R9Do ftrbN0q5XwmzdD7 j1obosWHygpv2Ib . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @r-czajkowski:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKYlB2X GFJeY9xtCM7xvtw JiHcqkwrXPjpQeO OPKKjvWVoU2hBOB hBKnvqDKTSCTaaY 7UY0hhjv3wfqOfZ KYI8jPSQMw9CXEs kJVo0jrwYMHkZZm dhwHwd9KpbQqsb2 lZRQc8tB1rurvUQ 9eb0Dq7WoOIDENG S40BrRulb295WTR ik3acyN7TbrXrGj NgZFB0q5XwmzdD7 j1obosWHygpv2Ib . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Docker image is available as docker pull keepnetwork/token-dashboard:v1.11.0; sha256sum is sha256:efe2cda880df0d9a86112a56133cc96b447a5c0be2dbfc661aa8a3589e1a060a.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into this version can be found in the corresponding token-dashboard/1.11.0 milestone.

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