github keep-network/keep-core solidity/v1.3.0
Solidity: 1.3.0 (Mainnet)

Note: Henceforth release notes and version tags for Solidity contracts, token dashboard, and client will be managed separately. Solidity contract releases will have a tag prefix of solidity/, KEEP token dashboard releases will have a tag prefix of token-dashboard/, and client releases will have no tag prefix.

solidity/v1.3.0 is the mainnet release of several Solidity contracts that have received changes since v1.1.2. These are:

  • TokenStaking, a new staking contract that allows "topping up" existing stake delegations with additional tokens from the same source (i.e., delegations from a token grant can only be topped up with tokens from the same grant, and liquid token delegations can only be topped up with more liquid tokens). The new contract also includes a few fixes and improvements for general dApp usage, and has a special mode to allow existing delegations on the previous staking contract to be "copied" to the new contract while they are undelegated on the old one.
  • KeepRandomBeaconOperator, a new version of the random beacon operator contract that has support for variable gas prices. The operator contract uses a gas price ceiling to calculate how much a beacon entry costs, but recent volatility with gas prices on mainnet makes it clear that ceiling needs to be adjustable over time. This is currently a governable parameter with a timelock of 1 hour between update initiation and finalization. The new operator contract also fixes a bug where, in certain cases, beacon group members who failed to produce an entry on time could escape slashing. Upgrading to this contract simply requires authorizing it using a delegation's authorizer.
  • KeepRandomBeaconService and KeepRandomBeaconServiceImplV1, new versions of the service contracts pointed to the new version of the operator contract. Strictly speaking, these support upgrades to new operator contracts without redeployment, but for simplicity a clean deploy of these was done.

In addition to the primary contracts for the beacon, we're providing the release commit hash (which corresponds to the solidity/v1.3.0 tag) and associated signatures from the deployment team.

Commit hash for clean builds is b2eb62592058518bcd15a3e3510487a5118c5a61.

Signatures of commit hash from the deployment team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @pdyraga:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKUP1mo cBOwsMO2Zoy9oS4 RuaO1bwgSUG4cNZ RnlK7jKb7j1rewf 1u1642ekMW8UvhZ zdY2sfeWRQSSUBt qMHE4FaneqG15qt 2HEf22oWk0RzmPk rCGQ8uPWQI2XGwQ tZhISwpttYhgHp6 pLqKYbnFawLnLDM SM2QjnaX5K7h7VG 4iQfGqR7FXkBSp6 FPowt0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @Shadowfiend:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkAA9fdX h3PR4kiSBsxaoE3 9WyxA9pNLCah0b4 uFaShwCkPR4Q2u2 8kNG2ryexPRuVwV o0UlGqKJGQiBV8L RqsWOWnzwv2VPLB J0YAnIMGP3At174 wGEmZd8lByHldSj 2CXrxiDGNtq3tzS Q3anBGmbJ3VIz5K WppIFm4HLAwi526 SaK8KmDOV9xmGGF TzLil0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba:
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATJIUuA LGx7sICQVY1wVek 98hogs9oU5poYGj pMEfXXmILM1C3Jj xgLgufbGjrLl9U6 VG0SIr7lBRslLJD PGxrbNOIiN2SQvF pvWdMF5Zb1CcBnR a1YdlEdqpQK5o0E CC0Ec3hr6WK1y6D Wv3fX0qVghiAq1L PipGLgBk1aKDfSj . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into the 1.3.0 milestone across contracts, token dashboard, and client, can be found in the corresponding 1.3.0 milestone.

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