- Added WIP "Bounded Bend Deformer" which limits bending within a bounding box
- Added WIP "Elastic Deformable" which moves vertices towards their target positions on a spring instead of instantly
- Added new "WIP" category for all the WIP deformers
- Exposed original/dynamic mesh data
- Removed unnecessary package.json files
- Changed how the UpdateMode property behaves
Setting it to "Auto" will register the Deformable with the default manager
Setting it to "Stop" will complete current jobs and then reset the data
Setting it to "Custom" will unregister it from the manager to allow you to update it yourself and then it will complete its current jobs TransformDeformer
- Fixed bug where an error was thrown and deformers were not loaded into the Creator Window
- Fixed issue where Deformables were undeformed on the first frame
- Calling
on a Deformable completes the deformables jobs before changing the mesh