github kedro-org/kedro 0.19.6

one month ago

Major features and improvements

  • Added raise_errors argument to find_pipelines. If True, the first pipeline for which autodiscovery fails will cause an error to be raised. The default behaviour is still to raise a warning for each failing pipeline.
  • It is now possible to use Kedro without having rich installed.
  • Updated custom logging behavior: conf/logging.yml will be used if it exists and KEDRO_LOGGING_CONFIG is not set; otherwise, default_logging.yml will be used.

Bug fixes and other changes

  • User defined catch-all dataset factory patterns now override the default pattern provided by the runner.

Breaking changes to the API

Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.20.0

  • All micro-packaging commands (kedro micropkg pull, kedro micropkg package) are deprecated and will be removed in Kedro 0.20.0.

Documentation changes

  • Improved documentation for custom starters
  • Added a new docs section on deploying Kedro project on AWS Airflow MWAA
  • Detailed instructions on using globals and runtime_params with the OmegaConfigLoader

Community contributions

Many thanks to the following Kedroids for contributing PRs to this release:

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