github kedro-org/kedro 0.19.3

latest releases: 0.19.11, 0.19.10, 0.19.9...
11 months ago

Major features and improvements

  • Create the debugging line magic %load_node for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab.
  • Add better IPython, VSCode Notebook support for %load_node and minimal support for Databricks.
  • Add full Kedro Node input syntax for %load_node.


Bug fixes and other changes

  • Updated CLI Command kedro catalog resolve to work with dataset factories that use PartitionedDataset.
  • Addressed arbitrary file write via archive extraction security vulnerability in micropackaging.
  • Added the _EPHEMERAL attribute to AbstractDataset and other Dataset classes that inherit from it.
  • Added new JSON Schema that works with Kedro versions 0.19.*

Breaking changes to the API

Documentation changes

  • Enable read-the-docs search when user presses Command/Ctrl + K.
  • Added documentation for kedro-telemetry and the data collected by it.

Community contributions

Many thanks to the following Kedroids for contributing PRs to this release:

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