github kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput v5.5.0
Version 5.5.0

latest releases: v5.5.4, v5.5.3, v5.5.2...
2 years ago

Major Release: BC Breaking

Date: 29-Jun-2022

  • (enh #1800): Styling enhancements for thumbnail content and rotatable images.
  • (enh #1799): Correct translations containing {maxSize}, {minSize}, {size}.
  • (enh #1796): Add two new Font Awesome 6.x themes.
    • fa6
    • explorer-fa6
  • (enh #1795): Refactoring and renaming of all Font Awesome based themes.
    • Refactor and rename fa theme to fa4
    • Refactor and rename fas theme to fa5
    • Refactor and rename explorer-fa theme to explorer-fa4
    • Refactor and rename explorer-fas theme to explorer-fa5
  • (enh #1792): Advanced file mime type detection for preview irrespective of file extension.
    • Load the following new plugin files before fileinput.min.js
<!-- buffer.min.js and filetype.min.js are necessary in the order listed for advanced mime type parsing and more correct
     preview. This is a feature available since v5.5.0 and is needed if you want to ensure file mime type is parsed 
     correctly even if the local file's extension is named incorrectly. This will ensure more correct preview of the
     selected file (note: this will involve a small processing overhead in scanning of file contents locally). -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • (enh #1791): Enhance preview update automatically when addToStack is called.

  • (enh #1785): Image rotation button action feature in thumbnail and zoom.

    • New property rotatableFileExtensions defaults to ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'],
    • New properties in fileActionSettings (rotateIcon, rotateTitle, rotateClass)
    • New properties previewZoomButtonIcons.rotate, previewZoomButtonClasses.rotate and previewZoomButtonTitles.rotate
  • (enh #1788): Enhancements to showUserError method.

    • New 3rd parameter retainErrorHistory which allows you to retain previous errors (defaults to false)
var $input = $('#file-input-id');
$input.on('fileuploaderror', function(event, data) {
  var userMessage = 'We could not process the upload because of a server error.',
      retainErrorHistory = true; // whether to retain error history
  // to show error specific to each file pass `data` as received above (the `data` object must contain the `fileId` property)
  $input.fileinput('showUserError', userMessage, data, retainErrorHistory);

  // to show a constant global error not specific to each file do not pass `data` (uncomment below line to achieve this)
  // $input.fileinput('showUserError', userMessage); 
  • (enh #1694): Thumbnail of images only but detailed preview/iconic view of all other files.
    • New property alwaysPreviewFileExtensions - setup as an array list of extensions whose content will always be shown in preview (irrespective of preferIconPreview or previewFileIconSettings which will be used to control icon preview for configured types).

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