github karlomikus/bar-assistant v2.0.0

latest releases: v3.17.0, v3.16.0, v3.15.0...
13 months ago

Breaking changes

  • Minimum supported Meilisearch version is 1.1
    • Upgrade guide: If you are using docker bump meilisearch version to 1.1. You can safely delete Meilisearch container and it's volume, Bar Assistant will sync data when you restart the Bar Assistant container
  • Changed query parameters for /cocktails endpoint
    • Upgrade guide: Refer to API spec to see new parameters
  • Changed query parameters for /ingredients endpoint
    • Upgrade guide: Refer to API spec to see new parameters
  • Removed /cocktails/user-favorites endpoint
    • Upgrade guide: Available via /cocktails?filter[favorites]=true
  • Updated /cocktails/user-shelf to return only cocktail ids and moved to /shelf/cocktails
    • Upgrade guide: Old response schema available via /cocktails?filter[on_shelf]=true
  • Removed /ingredients/find endpoint
    • Upgrade guide: Available via /ingredients?filter[name_exact]=whiskey
  • Removed /cocktails/random endpoint
  • Updated /shelf endpoints to make more sense
    • Moved GET /cocktails/user-shelf endpoint to GET /shelf/cocktails
    • Moved GET /shelf endpoint to GET /shelf/ingredients
    • Moved POST /shelf endpoint to POST /shelf/ingredients
    • Moved POST /ingredients/{ingredientId} endpoint to POST /shelf/ingredients/{ingredientId}
    • Moved DELETE /ingredients/{ingredientId} endpoint to DELETE /shelf/ingredients/{ingredientId}
  • Moved PUT /images/{id} endpoint to POST /images/{id}
    • You can now use this method as a pseudo PATCH operation on image resource
    • You can now update the image file
  • Removed site_search_index indexing
    • Upgrade guide: If possible migrate to federated/multi-index search
  • Redis is now mandatory dependency
    • Upgrade guide: Setup redis with REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_PORT env variables
  • Removed bar:dump-search command
    • Upgrade guide: Follow migration/upgrade guide for your selected search driver
  • Removed id from CocktailIngredient schema
  • Updated UserIngredient schema
  • Updated Ingredient schema
    • Moved parent_ingredient_id to parent_ingredient object, accessible via


  • Meilisearch is no longer mandatory dependency for API to work
  • Added support for all default Laravel Scout drivers, meaning:
    • You can now use Algolia as your search engine
    • You can now use database as your search engine
  • Added DISABLE_LOGIN environment variable
    • This will remove the need to authenticate with token to access the api
  • Added GET /images endpoint
  • ImageRequest schema now supports image_url parameter to upload image from URL


  • Fixed openapi swagger docs url


  • Enabled xdebug in local development dockerfile
  • Replaced default image processor GD with Imagick

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